0 0 1. S1 E1 Part 1

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I laid on my back in the middle of my cell, trying my best to block out the ruckus that's going on outside just past the cell door, but it just got louder. Suddenly the door groaned loudly as two guards forced their way in.
"Prisoner 289, stand and face the rear of the cell." One of the ordered. I did as he commanded belligerently and slid my hands into my jacket pockets. "Hold out your right arm."
Rolling my eyes I did as he said, not wanting to get in any more trouble than I'm already in. I stared up at the ceiling counting the vent slats when a sharp pain erupted in my wrist and a metallic click sounded. I pulled my arm back to my chest and inspected the new accessory I was sporting.
"Prisoner 289 please exit your cell in a calm and orderly manner." Now I was more than confused, this was strange and unusual, to say the least.
Outside dozens upon dozens of teenage prisoners were being ushered along the corridors, they all had the same wristband on that I did. I froze as I took in what was happening, but when one of the guards shoved me I began to follow suit and followed the crowd. The corridors would have been empty if it weren't for us. Prisoners. Why did it have to sound so deprecating? I shuffled along behind the others, unsure where we were being led, but I didn't want to cause a scene.
I stepped through another door and noticed something was off. Teenagers were being pointed to seats. A ladder led to an upstairs room or compartment. I was pointed up the ladder. Hesitantly I glanced around and noticed that everyone was putting on seatbelts. They were red and strapped over both shoulders and around the waist, joined together with metal clips.
I was jabbed with a baton and began to climb. Upstairs was the exact same case. I found an empty chair and buckled myself in. Multiple thoughts ran through my head, but only one stuck. They were going to kill us.
After fifteen minutes or so, everyone was seated. All the guards left and we were alone. Across the room, I saw Octavia. She was one of my few friends that I'd made in lock up. Whenever we were allowed out of our cells we'd always find each other and talk. She caught my gaze and gave me a look as if to ask what was going on. I simply shrugged my shoulders and gently shook my head. A dull clunk echoed through the metal floor and a countdown began before we launched.
Nervous chatter filled the dropship, suddenly a crashing sound blasted our ears. Several people screamed while others clamoured amongst each other. Lights began to turn on and monitor lit up with the Chancellor's face. "Prisoners of the ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance." Disgruntled, people began to murmur. None of us liked Chancellor Jaha, he was the reason we were all locked up. "As your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not as a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself."
"Boo!" Someone shouted waving their fist. A couple of people laughed, even I smiled.
"We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better we would have sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because you're crimes have made you expendable." He seemed to take great pleasure in calling us 'expendable', it gave me a bitter taste in my throat. "If however, you do survive, those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean."
Uneasy and disgusted chatter got louder and I struggled to hear what he was saying. "Your drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain three hundred people for up to two years. No one ever made it there. Because we could spare you no food or medicine I cannot stress it enough. Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately. You have one job. One responsibility. Stay alive. And finally—" suddenly the ship jerked violently and the video cut out.
Octavia and I shared nervous glances. The ship continued to lurch uneasily. After a moment the rockets fired, we braved ourselves ready to land. The sound began to die off, the mechanical whirring sound that was always so constant our entire lives vanished.
Taking a moment to take it in, we suddenly all raced to unbuckle ourselves and get to the ladder. The door was on the lower level. We were on the top level. Everyone struggled to get down there was shoving and pulling and pushing. The traffic seemed to jam up and we had to wait. I looked around and couldn't see Octavia anywhere. She must already be down there. I could hear talking on the lower floors, it was quiet, I couldn't make out what they were saying.
"They're opening the door!" Someone cried.
There was silence for a while until I heard someone shout out "We're back bitches!!!" I somehow knew it was Octavia, it made me laugh. People began to flow out, the sun hit my face, a breeze filled my lungs and blew my hair. I inhaled deeply as I walked down the ramp. I stepped onto the grassy ground and smiled. We were home. Teenagers were running around whooping and cheering. I found Octavia and we looked around taking in the beautiful lush green surroundings.
I glanced around and saw a girl with blonde hair leaning over a map. Curious, I wandered over to her. I wasn't the only one either. I recognised him as Wells Jaha. The Chancellor's son. Why was he here? What did he do?
"We've got problems." He said. The girl turned around to face him. "Communications is dead. I went to the roof a dozen panels are missing, heat fried the wires." He explained.
The girl sighed and said "Well all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather. See look," she gestured to her map and pointed to a spot "This is us, and this is where we need to get to if we want to survive." She drew a line from point A, our location, to Mount Weather.
"Where'd you learn to do that?" Wells asked. She glared at him distraughtly. "Your father." He finished.
Jasper Jordon walked up behind them and said, "Ah cool a map. Can I get a bar in this town, I'll buy you a beer,"
"Back off," Wells stared,
"Whoa hey, he's with us." Another voice I recognised. John Murphy.
"Relax," Wells said as John and his clique approached. "We're just trying to figure out where we are."
"We're in the ground. Is that not good enough for you?" A voice called. We all looked over to see a tall man wearing a guards uniform, standing next to Octavia. I'd never seen him before. He looked young. But too old to be a teenager.
"We need to find Mount Weather," Wells informed him as he walked over to him. "You heard my father's message, that has to be our first priority."
"Screw your father." Octavia spat. "What you think you're in charge here? You and your little princess?" She continued nodding towards the blonde.
"Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather. Not because the chancellor said so but because the longer we wait the hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be." The blonde was right. As much as I hate to admit it. "How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a 20-mile trek, ok. So if we want to get there before night we need to leave now."
"I got a better idea," the guard said. "You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change."
"Yeah," the majority of people chimed in.
"You're not listening, we all need to go," Wells added before Murphy shoved him from behind.
"Look at this everybody, Chancellor of Earth."
"Think that's funny?" Wells retorted.
Murphy suddenly charged at him and kicked his ankle sideways. I heard a crunch as he fell to the ground. "Whatever that was..."
Wells struggled to his feet, attempting to stand on one leg he held up his closed fists ready to fight.
"Come on," Murphy jeered at him.
From the dropship, a boy with long dark hair jumped down between the two. A sigh of relief flooded me. I didn't want to deal with a fight in my first day in the ground.
"Kids got one leg." He stated. "How about you wait until it's a fair fight?"
Murphy didn't reply instead backed off silently.
I walked forward as the blonde attended to Wells and his injury.
"Nice save," I spoke.
"I'm Finn," he said holding out his hand.
"Anastasia. Annie for short." I say shaking his hand.
"Hey spacewalker," Octavia called as she walked up to us. "Rescue me next." She said.
I couldn't help but laugh at her remark. The guard came up Octavia with a disappointed look on his face. "What? He's cute." She said to him.
"He's a criminal." He replied.
"We're all criminals," I added.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her away slightly. "Look O, I came down here to protect you."
"I don't need protecting."
Suddenly I began to put the pieces together. He wasn't really a guard. That was Bellamy. Octavia's brother. They were the only people to have a sibling on the ark.
"I have been locked up, one way or another, all my life. I am done following orders." She spat. "I need to have fun Bell, I need to do something crazy, just because I can. And no one, including you, is going to stop me."
I decided it was best to leave the two of them to themselves. I turned and walked over to the blonde and Wells. "So, Mount Weather," I said drawing their attention. "When do we leave?"
The blonde stood and said, "Right now."
"I'm Annie, by the way."
"Clarke," she replied.
"I'm coming too," Finn added.
Clarke's turned back to Wells who's ankle was too injured to walk on. "We'll be back tomorrow with food."
Wells looked between us and said, "How are the three of you going to carry enough food for a hundred?"
Finn turned around and grabbed two boys by their shoulders, bringing them back to us. Jasper and Monty Green. "Five of us. Can we go now?"
Octavia came skipping up behind me and said "Sounds like a party. Make it six."
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Bellamy asked her.
"Going for a walk." She replied.
"Hey," Clarke spoke grabbing Finn's arm. She inspected his wristband and said: "Were you trying to take this off?"
"Yeah, So?" He replied carelessly.
"So? This wristband transmits your vital signs to the ark. Take this off and the ark will think you're dead."
"Should I care?" He said
"She right," I added, "Do you want the people you love to think you're dead?"
"Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we are dying." Clarke seemed to know a lot about this. I couldn't help but wonder how.
I glanced at Bellamy who had a nervous look on his face. Finn was silent at Clarke's remark.
"Ok. Let's go." Clarke stated.
Finn, with a remorseful look on his face, led the way. Jasper and Monty followed him, Clarke behind them. I waited for Octavia who glanced at Bellamy, who reluctantly told her to go. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran after the rest of the group. I began to follow as well when he grabbed me by the shoulder. "Hey, look after her, alright?"
"Of course." I nodded. Letting me go I ran after Octavia and caught up with the others.
Before Clarke did anything she walked over to Wells and said: "You should have come here, Wells."

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