0 1 1. S1 E6 Part 1

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I sat in the tent silently, fiddling with the carved rabbit that Bellamy had given me the other day. It was a good-hearted gift, but now it just felt like leverage. He had earned my trust, but then went and broke it.
The sound of the tarp door being pulled back surprised me, I stuffed the rabbit into my pocket and looked up to see Bellamy standing in the doorway.
"You're up?" He asked, more of a statement than a question.
"Yeah," I sighed dismally. "Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on The Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep."
"Raven's flares will work." He insisted.
"Her radio would've worked better." I rebutted quietly.
He was silent for a moment. He knew I was still pissed off. "Have you seen Octavia?"
"No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies." I suggested.
"Annie, I've checked the camp. She's not here." He was worried. Concern and fear were prominent on his face.
"Ok. We'll find her." I said sure. "Let's check again. You go to the dropship. I'll check the rest of the tents."
"Thank you." He said.
"Don't thank me. She's my best friend, I'm not doing this for you." I replied begrudgingly and pushed my way out the door.
My first thought was to find Clarke. After checking a few tents and asking about Octavia I finally found Clarke. "Can't sleep either?" I questioned.
"No." She said simply. "What's wrong?"
"Octavia's missing. Bellamy and I are checking camp again, but no one has seen her in hours." I informed her. "She might be lost."
"Ok. I'll grab my stuff and meet you outside."
I don't know how Clarke managed to stay - or at least look so calm. She was just as furious at Bellamy if not more so, yet she was still willing to help him.
I stepped back out into the night air and found Bellamy again, neither of us had had any luck. "Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her."
Clarke came to my side as did Jasper "Hey, Jasper, you don't have to do this." Clark informed him. "You haven't left camp since we brought you back."
"Clarke, I need to do this." He said meekly, but not sounding utterly convincing.
"We need all the people we can get," Bellamy said overhearing her. "We need a tracker. Finn. Get out here." He called.
"Should we really leave camp so under guarded?"
He didn't reply instead called out to Finn again "Finn, we're leaving."
He soon stepped out of his tent with Raven behind him. Something was different about him, I just wasn't sure yet.
"Nice hair." Clarke commented.
I could feel the tension between them and followed after Bellamy as he began to make his way out of camp.
"Guys, guys. Come here!" Someone called. Everyone rushed to see what the commotion was about. A boy pointed up at the sky and said: "Did you see that? Look up there."
"It's so beautiful." Another commented.
My heart dropped into my stomach. Looking up into the sky small flashes rained down high above us like hundreds of shooting stars.
"They didn't work," Raven muttered. "They didn't see the flares."
Bellamy looked at her unconvinced. "A meteor shower tells you that?"
"It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral," I informed him. "Hundreds of bodies being returned to the Earth from The Ark. This is what it looks like from the other side. They didn't get our message." I stated with a tight voice.
"This is all because of you!" Raven cried, practically launching herself at Bellamy, fortunately, Finn held her back.
"I helped you find the radio."
"Yeah, after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!" She spat.
"Yeah, he knows. Now has to live with it." Clarke said in an attempt to calm her down.
"All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her. You coming or what?" He said turning to Finn. He nodded in reply. "What are we waiting for? Move out!"
"We have to talk to them," Clarke insisted "300 won't be enough. The oxygen level will just keep dropping. And if we don't tell them that they can survive down here, they'll kill more people. They have to."
"Guys... They're leaving." Finn said "We gotta go. I gotta do this. And you should stay and fix the radio, ok?"
"Fix it?" Raven scoffed hopelessly. "The transmitter's smashed. Unless there's a parts depot down here, we're not talking to The Ark."
Clarke had a thinking loom on her face and suddenly her eyes widened slightly. "Art supply store," she said.
"What?" I asked rhetorically.
"I know a place you might be able to get a transmitter," Clarke said.
"Great," Raven replied sounding as confused as I was. "It looks like you're coming with me instead."
While Clarke and Raven left to find the 'Art Supply Store', the rest of us followed Bellamy to search for Octavia. I lost track of how long we were searching for when someone called out.
"Look! Over here!"
"What is it?" Bellamy asked.
"Right there. Do you see it? Is that Octavia's?"
"Rope." Bellamy demanded.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"We need the rope to get back up. Flashlight." He called, someone passed forward a flashlight and he began to belay down the side of the hill. "It's hers. I'm going all the way down."
I quickly grabbed the rope and followed him down along with Finn and Jasper behind me.
"Someone else was here," Bellamy stated softly.
"The prints are deeper going that way. He was carrying her. If they took her, she's alive." Finn said examining the multitude of footprints surrounding us.
"Like when they took me," Jasper added.
It became obvious to everyone waiting at the top of the hill that we weren't coming back up, so they came down.
As we walked we came around a tree and were met with something unexpected. Strung from trees were skeletons. Torches lit up a path of sorts.
"Aah!" I exclaimed in fright and horror.
"I don't speak Grounder... But I'm pretty sure this means keep-out." Finn stated.
"Let's get out of here. It's crazy." Someone behind us said
"Yeah, me, too. I'm out." another muttered.
"Go back if you want." Bellamy called "My sister, my responsibility." I heard him mutter.
"I'd walk into hell to find her." Jasper declared.
"I think we just did." I followed.
We walked and searched for hours and soon the night became dawn.
"I got nothing. We lost the trail." Finn claimed uselessly.
But Bellamy was determined to find her. "Keep looking." he ordered.
"Wandering around aimlessly isn't the way to find your sister." Finn retorted, "We should backtrack..."
"I'm not going back." Bellamy snapped at him.
"Hey, where's John?" Roma asked.
Everyone went silent, we looked around trying to spot Mbege. He couldn't have just vanished
"I just saw him a second ago."
"Spread out. He couldn't have gotten that far."
I spun around when I heard a thud behind me. Mbege was on the ground, his eyes open, but his body was still. His throat had been slit.
"They use the trees," I muttered. Paranoia began to kick in, I looked around when suddenly I saw something in the distance. "Oh, my god," I muttered. "There!" I called, pointing to the grounder.
"We shouldn't have crossed the boundary." Someone exclaimed.
"Now can we go back?" Roma begged.
"There. Another one. We should run." So we ran. It seemed though, no matter where we ran, they were always cutting us off, sending us bolting in another direction.
"What are we gonna do? They keep heading us off.
"Just keep running," Diggs called.
"I can't run much longer!" Jasper gasped for air, he was still recovering, he shouldn't have come.
"I'm not stopping for him!" Diggs said and kept running.
"I'm sick of running anyway," Bellamy claimed as he drew out his weapon ready to fight.
"Hey, what are you doing? They know where she is." Finn said.
"Yeah and I'm sure they would be delighted to tell us where they're keeping her," I replied sarcastically.
Roma kept running and called out: "Diggs, where are you?"
In the distance, she got a reply: "Roma! Aah!" His scream sounded pained.
"Wait! Roma." Bellamy called after her.
"There could be more," Finn said getting ready to run again.
"Stop. They were leading us here. It's the only direction we could run in." Bellamy said. I realised he was right.
"Hey. Where'd they go?" Someone asked.
"After Roma," Bellamy answered.
"Aah! Aah" We could hear Roma screaming in the distance, but it echoed around, making it difficult to determine which direction it was coming from.

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