0 1 3. S1 E7 Part 1

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The storm blew wildly around us as we struggled to navigate back to the dropship. Nate Miller and another boy carry the unconscious grounder. As we push through the gate and head towards the dropship, I hear someone call out, announcing we had made it back.
"Hey! They're back!"
I shoved the parachute that covered the door away and held it open for Bellamy and the others carrying in the grounder.
I turned to see Octavia lowering herself on the ladder from the second level "The hell are you doing?" She asked, watching as we dragged the grounder inside.
"It's time to get some answers," Bellamy replied.
"Oh you mean revenge?'"
"I mean 'intel'." He retorted. "Get him upstairs." He ordered Nate, gesturing for them to move him to the upper level.
"Bellamy, she's right," Clarke said as she walked up to us.
"Clarke, okay we're ready. Can you hear me?" A static voice filled the dropship.
"You got the radio working?" I stated almost like a question, which didn't need answering.
"Yeah, Raven got it working," she replied and then turned to Bellamy again "Look, this is not who we are."
"It is now," Bellamy claimed and walked away.
Clarke had a worried look on her face. She looked flustered like she had a million thoughts running through her mind trying to find a single answer.
"I don't like this either, Clarke." I explained, "but if we can get some information from him, then maybe we can prepare ourselves for what is out there."
"Clarke?" The voice on the radio called again.
"Come on. I might need your help." She insisted, dragging me towards Finn's limp body. The knife still embedded in his chest.
"Clarke I studied astronomy, not medicine." I explained, "How can I help?"
A boom of thunder filled the dropship, momentarily deafening us. "We'll find out soon." She said.

"The blade is at a sharp upward angle. Between his sixth and seventh rib." Clarke explained to her mother on the other end of the radio. 
There was a moment of silence while we waited for a reply. "Okay, how deep?" Abby asked.
"Well, I can't tell how deep it goes." She explained as she studied the wound.
"That's alright, just don't remove the knife yet." The radio was crackly; I assumed it was because of the storm.
"Hey, here, sterilise your hands." Clarke passed a container to me after she poured something over her hands.
I sniffed it curiously but quickly drew my nose away almost immediately. "Moonshine?" I asked rhetorically before pouring it over my hands and passed it to Raven. She took a large mouthful of the liquid before dousing her hands as well.
"Clarke, do you see any fluid?" Abby asked.
Clamour from disgruntled teens filled the room, making it difficult to hear anything Abby was saying to us.
"Damn it!" Clarke exclaimed distraughtly. She turned to Raven and said: "Clear the room."
Raven nodded incomprehension, then walked towards the delinquents "Everyone! Upstairs! Now! Let's go!" She ordered in a loud and demanding voice.
I pressed my hand to Finn's forehead, noticing a glisten of sweat. "He feels a little warm," I noted loud enough so Abby could hear me.
"That's alright. Fever sometimes accompanies a trauma. Clarke, I need you to tell me if there is any fluid leaking from the wound."
"Ah.." Clarke lifted the cloth that surrounded the knife. "No."
"That's good. That's actually really good. You got lucky."
Raven stood by Finn's head and stroked his hair. "You hear that? You got lucky."
"Ok, Clarke, firm grip on the knife. You're going to need to angle it upward and to the left very slightly to the left as it exits the rib cage."
"How very slightly?"
There was a reply but too distorted from the interference. Clarke was starting to get flustered, she was scared, but she was good at hiding it.
"Wait, what was that? You dropped out." Clarke informed her mother.
"Clarke, 3 millimetres. Got it?"
She nodded her head shakily. Her neck tense, afraid to mess things up. "Yeah. Ok, I got it. Here goes." 
"Steady hand, Clarke. You've assisted me on trickier procedures than this. And once that knife is out, the hard part is over."
There was a loud rumble of thunder that shook the ground. The storm was getting closer and stronger. It was a strange sensation, having never been in a hurricane before. Hearing the wind and rain beat against the side of the dropship, feeling the ground shake beneath our feet
"All right. Extracting now."
I suddenly noticed Finn stirring, and his eyes fluttering open. "He's waking up!" I announced.
Finn grunted in pain and discomfort as he tried to move.
"Hold him still," Clarke called to us. "Finn, I'm gonna get that knife out of you, ok?"
"Good plan." He muttered as Raven, and I held him down.
"Finn, you can't move. You got it?" Clarke told him. He made a noise letting us know he understood. "Ok. Here it goes."
"Nice and slow, Clarke." Abby reminded her as she began to pull out the knife slowly.
Finn began to struggle under our grip, and it got harder to hold him down. Even injured, he was still pretty strong.
"Finn, do not move. Almost got it. Hold still."
Finn continued to struggle and groan. Suddenly a loud bang that wasn't thunder shook the dropship, lurching us to the side and throwing us to the ground.
"Aah!" I cried as I lost my footing.
"Clarke. Clarke? What's happening? Clarke, can you hear us?" Abby called over the radio.
I sat up, trying to figure out what had happened. The whole ship had lurched violently and suddenly. It felt as if we had landed again, and it was terrifying.
"It's out. She did it." Raven announced as we all regained our composure, looking around to assess any damage.
Relief washed over me and a heavy sigh flowed from my lungs. A chill started in my feet and ran up my legs as all the adrenalin left my system. I pushed myself off the ground and glanced at Finn's bleeding wound. I wasn't squeamish at the sight of blood, but the thought of the possibility of him dying only moments ago made looking at the injury difficult. It made me think how easy it is for us to be attacked. How easy it is for us to be killed. The grounders are ruthless, and it didn't take an idiot to see that, all anyone had to do was look at Finn and they would know that we are sitting ducks against them.
I felt sick at the thought that we could be wiped out overnight by the grounders.
"Annie, are you OK?" Raven asked me with a concerned look on her face.
"You're really pale," Clarke added.
"I'm fine. I just--" I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat, "I need a change of scenery."
I felt the urge to reiterate with them that I was okay with blood, and explain what was going on in my head, but I was struggling to form simple sentences, so decided to leave without another word.
I spun on my heels and made my way up the ladder. But the view awaiting me at the top wasn't any better. The second level was full of disgruntled teens, while Bellamy and the grounder were nowhere in sight.
Octavia ran over to me as I made my way to the ladder. "How's Finn? Is he okay?" She asked.
"Clarke got the knife out. I think he'll be fine." I replied as I climbed.
Reaching the closed latch, I banged my fist on it and called out: "Bellamy. Let me in. It's Annie." I waited for a moment, and moments later, the latch opened. And I continued to make my way through the hole and pulled my self to my feet.
I turned to see the grounder tied up with his arms spread wide. His face marked with blood on his dark skin. He kept a stoic look on his face and his lips pursed tightly.
"Yikes," I remarked. "Has he said anything?" I asked Nate.
"Nothing yet." He replied just as Bellamy's fist crashed into the grounders cheek.
"But, we did find something," Bellamy mentioned as he flexed his fingers and walked towards Nate with his hand held out.
Nate passed him a notebook, and he opened it to the correct page before holding it out to me to see. I took the book from his hands and glanced over the page. Tallies. Ten crossed out. On the page to the left was a drawing of our camp. Part of me knew exactly what it was, but another part didn't want to believe it. "What is this?" I asked, looking up. "How long have they been watching us?"
"We've figured since we got here," Bellamy said.
I kept flipping through the book; drawings filled the pages, detailed images of faces, landmarks. Then I came across something that looked almost alien at first, but the longer I looked at it, the more I understood it. It looked like a hazmat suit, similar to the ones I'd seen in history books on the ark.
I marched towards the grounder, I held the book out, my face hard and stern. I needed answers. "What is this? Are they friends of yours?"
"Get the hell out of my way!" Clarke demanded at Nate as she tried to get through the hatch.
"It's ok. Let her through." Bellamy told Nate.
Clarke stepped onto the floor and took a long look at the grounder, beaten and bloody. "Well if he didn't hate us before, he does now."
"Who cares?" Bellamy groaned.
I decided to speak before the started a heated fight "How's Finn?"
"Alive." Was all Clarke said to me before she turned back to Bellamy. "His people will care! How long until they found out where we're keeping him? And what happens when they do, I mean when they come looking for him. They will, Bellamy."
"Relax, Princess. No one saw us take him. He was chained up in that cave the whole time and thanks to the storm you couldn't see a soul on the way back."
Bellamy took the book from my hands and flipped through a few pages to the page full of lines - tallies, before holding it out for Clarke to see. "In case you missed it. His people are already killing us. How many more of our people need to die before you realise we're fighting a war."
"We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him; we can't win."
She made a fair point. If one grounder looked like a professional wrestler, what did the rest look like?
"You're right. We can't." Bellamy began "If we don't fight."
Raven's terrified voice called from below, gaining everyone's attention. "Clarke! He's seizing!"
Her face looked startled and afraid, but she hid it behind a brave-face. "On my way!" She called back.
Without a second thought, Clarke raced back down the ladder. I felt tempted to follow her, but before I could move Bellamy shut the hatch. I felt trapped up here, forced to watch whatever torture scheme they had in mind, fold-out.

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