0 0 8. S1 E4 Part 2

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"Bellamy, we can't keep her in here forever. Please tell me you have a plan." I asked as I watched him pace around the tent.
"I'm working on it." He replied harshly.
"Bring out the girl, Bellamy!" Murphy yelled from outside.
"Why, Charlotte?" He asked her.
Charlotte hunched her shoulders, afraid of what might happen. "I was just trying to slay my demons like you told me."
I sighed and rolled my eyes. I knew that was going to make a comeback and bite us on the ass.
"What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke asked Bellamy in disgust.
I quickly jumped to Bellamy's defence. I was there when he said that to her, I knew it was a serious miscommunication. "She misunderstood him. Severely."
"Charlotte, that is not what I meant," Bellamy said to her, trying to think of another way to explain it to her.
Murphy was growing impatient. "Bring the girl out now!"
"Please don't let them hurt me." The girl muttered fearfully.
"If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up." He directed towards Clarke and Finn. "Now you stay quiet."
"Those are your boys out there." Finn reminded him.
"This is not my fault. If she had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall." He said pointing to Clarke.
"You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out!"
"No! Please, Bellamy." She whimpered.
Bellamy placed his hands on her shoulders and bent over so he was at eye level with her. "Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be okay. Just stay with them." He then turned and walked out of the tent to face Murphy.
"I better go back him up," I said glancing at the three of them. "Get her out of here, take her somewhere until this all blows over."
"I know just the place," Finn said and took Clarke's hand and began to lead her and Charlotte out the back of the tent.
"Good. I'll try to hold them off as much as I can. This is going to get ugly before it gets better." I said and headed out to face the crowd.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us." Murphy said as I emerged.
"Dial it down and back off," Bellamy warned.
"Or what? What are you gonna do about me? Hang me?" He spat back snarkily.
"I was just giving the people what they wanted."
"Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now?" He turned around to face the crowd behind him. "So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favour??" Besides himself, five others put their hands up voting to hang Charlotte. "I see. So, it's okay to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you want to let her walk?" There was silence from the crowd. "Cowards! All of you are cowards!"
I stepped forward trying to end this dispute once and for all. "Hey, Murphy! Murphy. It's over." Bellamy tried to hold me back.
Murphy seemed to calm down a bit. "Whatever you say, boss." He began to turn but suddenly swung back towards me and his fist collided with my cheek. I fell to the ground as Murphy ran past me and headed towards the tent.
"Annie!" Bellamy cried and rushed to my aid. He helped me sit up and inspected my cheek that was now bleeding again. "Are you ok?" He asked.
I nodded my head and pushed myself off the ground.
"Charlotte! Charlotte, I know you can hear me! And when I find you, you are gonna pay!" Murphy shouted before he gestured for some boys to follow him. "Come on."
"He's going to kill her," I said as I began to take off after him, but stumbled and fell back to the ground.
"Annie, you can barely stand." He said as I tried to get up again. "Octavia, take her back to my tent, make sure she rests."
"I'm ok." I insisted, knowing that I really wasn't. "We have to stop Murphy. He'll kill her."
"I'll go after him. You need to stay here. Once you're better, keep everyone building the wall. I'll bring Charlotte back safely. Alright?"
Hesitantly I nodded my head, Octavia wrapped her arm around me and helped me back to the tent where she got me to lay down. I was so dizzy, as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.
When I woke the sun was starting to set. I got up and climbed out of the tent, much to my relief Octavia had made sure the wall was being built. She wasn't Bellamy but she knew how to keep people moving.
I spotted Octavia carrying several branches on her shoulder, when she saw I was up she ran over to me, the branches still in her grasp.
"How are you feeling?" She asked.
"A bit numb," I said gently rubbing my cheek where Murphy had punched me. "Bellamy isn't back yet?" I asked her glancing around.
"No one has come back yet. Clarke and Finn are still out there too." I nodded slowly, I knew Bellamy could handle himself but I still worried. Murphy was a psychopath and wouldn't hesitate to kill him.
I then remembered Monty working on Clarke's wristband. "I'm going to check on Monty, you've got this, right?" I asked, meaning the construction of the wall.
"Yeah, go." She said and we went our separate ways.
I walked into the dropship and sauntered over to Monty.
"Still no luck?" I asked as I sat down next to him.
"Actually, I've almost got it. Give me another hour or so and we should be good to go." He informed taking a screwdriver out from between his teeth.
"Can I help at all?" I wondered out loud, hoping to distract my self while I waited for the others to return.
"Do you have a basic understanding of mechanical engineering?" He asked glancing toward me.
My jaw slackened unable to answer. Obviously, it was a no, which Monty could tell and laughed softly. "It's ok, but the company is good." He stated, telling me I was welcome to stay.
I sat and watched him for a while, wishing I could understand what he was doing. "I would ask you to teach me how to do that, but something is telling me if I mess up I'll mess up big and ruin our chances of ever contacting the Ark, so I won't."
"That's probably a wise idea. But I'll tell you what," He let out a sigh and put his tools down for a moment "After this is all over and everyone is on the ground I'll talk to Sinclair for you. I'm sure he'd be happy to teach you."
I couldn't help but smile. I never had the chance to try for a job on the Ark, I was locked up before I got the chance. Two weeks ago I thought I would never get the chance to, now things are so different, now I have that chance.
I lost track of how much time had passed when Octavia came rushing into the dropship. "They're back." She said excitedly.
With a sigh of relief, I stood and followed her back outside. I knew Monty would be fine without me, yet I felt a little bad for rushing out on him without saying anything. I first ran to Clarke, she looked distressed. "Is everything ok?" I asked. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "Where's Charlotte?"
Finn stood next to her, he too had a look that was unsettling. Bellamy came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, he gestured for me to follow him. Uneasily, I did, he leads me back to his tent, where he too was silent for a moment.
"What happened out there?" I asked demandingly.
He paced a little, not making me any more patient. "Charlotte's dead." He said.
"Murphy?" I asked to which he shook his head. "Where is he?"
He glanced up at me, a glassy look in his eyes, "I don't know. We banished him."
I felt every muscle in my body freeze. "Banished? Since when are we back on the Ark?"
"It was our only choice." He snapped. "He was going to kill Charlotte, and then she threw herself off a cliff. I wanted to kill him."
"Then why didn't you?"
"Clarke. She said that we don't decide who lives and dies down here. That we need rules. We banished him." He said, a lot calmer this time. He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing heavily.
"So do we have our own little delinquent council? Who's the Chancellor? How do we decide?"
He didn't reply for a moment and continued to pace when he froze. "That's not a terrible idea."
"I was joking." I quickly mentioned.
"Not about a Chancellor, but a council."
I was joking about that too, but I couldn't be bothered to say anything now. "And what happens when someone chucks another 'Murphy' and the people don't listen?"
"That why we make rules. Punishments when people break those rules."
"Are we going to tell Clarke about this?" I assumed he would, but I wanted to know that we were on the same page.
He nodded his head slowly, still thinking about how it would all work.
Once Clarke and Finn were inside the tent, Bellamy began to explain the idea of our own council. None of us would have more power than another, it would be fair leadership. It took a little while to really convince Clarke that it was the best option in order to keep the peace within the wall. We all had a 25% vote on rules and punishments. Finn was all for it, except for the fact that Bellamy would have one of those votes. Between the four of us, we weren't exactly sure where to start.
"How about we start with Murphy," I suggested. "Murphy tried to kill Charlotte, he got banished for it."
"Charlotte did kill someone," Finn added.
"Same punishment should apply," Bellamy stated.
Clarke gave us a look. "How did we come to this?" She asked.
"This was your idea, might I say. You're the one that decided we need rules. You're the one that banished Murphy." I wouldn't say I was Clarke's friend, but I didn't want to be her enemy.
"You think I wanted to do that?" She defended as she stepped towards me.
"I don't know. I don't know you, Clarke. But if we can't decide then who's to say it won't happen again? Murphy isn't the only psychopath in this camp." I added.
"I know that, but this isn't The Ark. We can't banish everyone who breaks the rules."
"So what rules should we have?" I asked expectantly. There was an uneasy silence in the tent. "People are hungry." I finally mentioned, "What if they try to steal rations? We can't starve them, we are already giving them the bare minimum we can.
"Confinement?" Finn suggested. "Or we tie them up so they can't do it again."
"For how long?"
"24 hours with two supervised breaks," Bellamy said. It sounded pretty fair.
"Fingers crossed they don't have a tiny bladder," I muttered.
Everyone was silent while we continued to think. Suddenly Octavia burst in and said, "Monty's almost done."
We all raced to the dropship anxious to hear from home. When we arrived Jasper was seated next to his friend.
"Care to do the honours?" Monty asked Jasper. He hesitated for a moment before he took the wire from Monty in his fingers. "Right there, on that port."
Carefully jasper touched the wire to where Monty had pointed to and let it go gently. For a moment I was hopeful, my stomach was in knots. Suddenly the device sparked and I felt a strong zap in my wrist. Finn also flinched. I suddenly knew I'd gotten my hopes up too soon.
"What happened?" Clarke asked.
"It didn't work."Monty said inspecting the modified wristband in front of him, "I think I fried all the wristbands.
"It's over?" I asked not wanting to believe him.
I let out an abated breath and marched out of the dropship. My chest felt tight. My mind was racing. My parents thought I was dead, we were all dead to them. I'd never see my father again. I'd never hug my mother one last time.
These thoughts raced around in my head over and over, like they were chasing each other around a pole. Around and around. Again and again.
"Annie!" I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and I was tackled to the ground. I fought their grip, writhing, kicking and screaming. "Annie, calm down. It's me, it's me. Its Bellamy."
I opened my eyes and it was dark. I was surrounded by trees and moonlight. There was no orange glow from campfires. I'd been running and hadn't even noticed. His grip on me loosened and I sat myself up on the damp ground.
"It's ok. No one is going to hurt you." He said soothingly as he knelt in front of me,
"We're dead to them! They're all going to die up there!" I cried, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath.
"Annie, I'm so sorry." He said sadly.
I felt everything come to a standstill. What did he have to be sorry about? "What are you talking about?" I asked cautiously. He didn't say anything. "Bellamy what did you do?"
"I shot Jaha." He finally confessed.
My breath froze. My back straightened as I processed his confession. "Why?"
"Someone came to me and said they could get me on the dropship. I came for Octavia. I didn't know why they were sending you down all I knew was I had to protect her."
"Who came to you?" I asked.
He sighed heavily. "Commander Shumway."
I scoffed hearing his name. "How ironic is it that it was his gun that I stole to get me locked up," I muttered under my breath just loud enough for him to hear.
"You can't tell O. I will tell her just not yet. Please." He begged me.
I slowly thought about his plea. I nodded steadily but was still unsure.
"Thank you." He said before he pointed behind him. "We should get back. There could be Grounders out here."
I hadn't even realised how far from camp we were. I nodded and began to walk back to camp. He placed a hand on my back as he followed me back.

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