0 1 7. S1 E9 Part 2

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As we trekked through the forest following Clarke's trail of Jobi nuts Bellamy bent down to pick up a handful that Clarke had dropped for us to follow, "At least they're good for something." He said putting them in his pocket
"Sorry for bringing up Clarke earlier. That was awkward." Jasper said to Raven.
"Shut up." She replied loudly.
"Both of you shut up. Keep your eyes open." I spat back at them, gripping my rifle tighter. 
The sun was starting to come up over the mountains and through the trees, scattering golden light on the forest floor.
"They're just up ahead," Bellamy spoke softly.
We stepped with caution, trying our best to not make a sound. As we approached a river bed, to our right was an old bridge, moss and shrubbery had overtaken the railings. On the edge of it Clarke, Finn and Octavia stood silently.
"What's Octavia doing here?" Jasper asked as she ran across the bridge towards Lincoln, jogging towards her from the other side of the bridge, and she leapt into his arms.
"Oh." Jasper mutter with a disappointed tone.
Raven seemed amused and intrigued at their unlikely relationship. "I guess we know how he got away," she said.
I felt Bellamy shoot me a sideways glance. I kept my eyes forward, the rifle held up to my shoulder ready to shoot if needed. He must have suspected I had something to do with Lincoln's escape.
Raven's amused smile faded when Finn grabbed Clarke's hand to keep her from backing away. I couldn't begin to understand what was running through her mind right now, but if I were to take a guess: disappointment, betrayal and heartache.
I tried my hardest to feel empathetic for her, but I didn't have any experience with relationships, so I was no expert.
In the distance, a thunder-like rumbling grew louder and closer. Bellamy used his rifle's scope, aiming it towards Octavia and Lincoln, obviously wanting to keep an eye on his sister.
"Wait, look." Raven pointed to the end of the bridge,
I brought my rifle to my cheek, using the scope to get a better look at what was approaching. I slowly lowered my gun with my jaw open in awe. "I don't believe it," I muttered under my breath. Three grounders came into view, astride horses. One woman, with long hair with scattered braids, flowed over her shoulders. Around her eyes were dark, as though she'd smeared charcoal around them like war paint.
The other two wore horrifying masks that looked like decayed faces, they both held bows in their hands.
"Hey, we said no weapons!" We heard Finn call out in fury as he marched towards Lincoln. Lincoln and Octavia both turned towards the grounders as Finn and Clarke stopped next to them. They were too far away to hear anything they said at a normal register. So we stood silent and waited for something to happen. 
Finn and Clarke took a step forward, But Lincoln held him back and said something to him, inaudibly. Finn and Clarke shared a glance before she dropped his hand and began to walk into the middle of the bridge. 
As Clarke approached, The female grounder dismounted. With her head held high, she walked to meet Clarke in the middle. 
They stood there for a moment, and no one made a move. Eventually, Clarke held out her hand, but the grounder made no move to reciprocate the greeting. Slowly, Clarke dropped her hand back to her side as they began to converse, silently.
Using her scope, Raven attempted to get a better look at the conversation. After a moment she lowered her gun and said: "Grounder Princess looks pissed."
"Our princess has that effect," I replied with a smile.
Raven glanced over at me and we shared a hushed laugh before turning our attention back to the bridge.
"Oh, no. No. This is bad." Jasper said as he scoped the trees.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Bellamy asked, trying to understand Jasper's concern.
"There are Grounders in the trees," he said softly.
Immediately I turned my gun on the trees, searching for the grounders that Jasper claimed.
"Where? Are you sure? I don't see anything." I replied as I continued examining the trees. I couldn't see anything or anyone.
"They're gonna shoot!" He said raising his voice. "Clarke, run! Run!" He cried out as he burst forward into clear view, drawing everyone's attention. And then he began to fire. 
It was then when I saw arrows and spears repelling out of the trees that I saw the hiding grounders. I'd momentarily frozen in shock. But when I saw Grounder Princess pull a knife on Clarke my brain clicked back into gear. I fired a single shot hitting the grounder in the shoulder, causing her to fall backwards, away from Clarke. She stumbled away, making her way back to her horse. 
Clarke and Finn retreated into the forest as the grounders fired arrows towards us as we began moving out of their range to meet up with the others. We didn't stop running until we were outside the wall at the dropship, by then it was nightfall.
Bellamy turned to Finn and said to him: "You got anything to say?"
"Yeah. I told you no guns!" He retorted furiously.
"I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders." Clarke said to Finn "I was right."
"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven asked him
"I tried, but you were too busy making bullets for your gun."
"You're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you, Finn." Bellamy defended her.
"You don't know that! Jasper fired the first shot!"
Octavia stepped forward and said: "You ruined everything." she turned away and headed through the gate.
"I saved you!" Jasper shouted after her. "You're welcome." He said with sarcasm before he too made his way inside.
"Well, if we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now," Finn added. "You didn't have to trust the Grounders. You just had to trust me." 
No one said anything in reply. Finn scoffed heavily and marched past us following Octavia and Jasper, with Raven hot on his heels.
Bellamy shifted on his feet and turned to Clarke and me. "Like I said, best Unity Day ever." We slowly began to head towards the gate to go inside when I noticed Bellamy looking up at the sky behind us. We both turned to see what he was looking at when we saw it.
It looked like a shooting star, but march larger. It glowed brightly and it seemed to be getting bigger as it shot across the sky.
"The Exodus ship?" I muttered in confusion.
"Your dad's early." He said gently nudging me with a soft smile.
"Wait," Clarke spoke gently, a hint of concern in her voice. "Too fast. No parachute? Something's wrong."
We watched as it got closer and closer, zooming towards the ground before it disappeared behind a distant mountain. A large loud explosion filled the night air. Smoke and fire erupted above the collision with flashes of light.
"Oh my god," I mumbled breathlessly.
Clarke let out a choked gasp and fell to her knees.
My heart was racing. My head was pounding. I was frozen. I didn't know how to react. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to do anything to make it not so. I'd just lost my mother. I couldn't lose my father too. I couldn't have just lost him as well.
Suddenly I couldn't breathe. My throat had closed up. My chest was tight as if someone had stomped on me. My head began to spin and my vision blurred. I couldn't tell which way was up and down. I felt my heartbeat in my throat, my hands and my legs. It palpitated in an unsteady, irregular beat. I reached my arm out to steady myself, brushing Bellamy's arm, just enough to get his attention.
"Annie!" He cried as I fell backwards onto the leafy ground. He tried his best to catch me, grabbing me by my wrist, just barely softening my fall.

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