0 2 1. S1 E11 Part 2

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"We're running low on ammo," I announced as I finished counting the remaining rounds, my voice was still hoarse from the earlier fire.
Bellamy ran his fingers through his hair and hung his head. "If the grounders attack, we've got next to no chance."
His demeanour portrayed desperateness. He'd changed so much since we first landed. He'd become less concerned about himself and more worried about the welfare of everyone else - as demonstrated when he pulled me from the fire. Maybe that's what attracted me to him. I still wasn't entirely sure how I felt about him but I knew I liked him.
"We'll see what Raven can do," I said trying to lift his spirits. "We didn't make it this far to be taken out a few spears."
He gave me a half-hearted smile in appreciation. "I'll go talk to her." He said softly before he got up and left the tent.
I sat by myself in silence contemplating all the possible outcomes that might occur in the next few days.
No one knew when the Grounders might attack, for all we knew they could be circling the camp right now and we might never know. Nothing was going right for us at the moment.
I subconsciously scratched my neck forgetting about my burns. The moment my nails scratched my skin, an intense stinging sensation ran down my spine. I suppressed a scream of pain and placed my hand over the burn to try and stop the stinging.
Once it had subsided I stood and exited the tent to find some water to try and cool down the area and to soothe my dry throat.
I stood over the water trough and splashed water over my neck before I scooped up handfuls of and drank them, relishing in the coolness of the liquid. I felt it run down my throat and ease the searing pain. As the water evaporated from the burn on my neck, it had a cooling effect that felt amazing.
I let out a few deep breaths and decided to do something useful instead of dwelling on my pessimism. I made my way to the Dropship where I found Monty sitting in front of a piece of machinery.
"Is that from the Exodus ship?" I asked as I came over to him.
He briefly looked up at me and said "Yeah, the Black Box. I thought there might be some clues on this and be able to figure out why it crashed."
I didn't say anything but I really hoped he could figure it out. Any information on how and why my father died would bring me some sort of peace on the incident. He continued turning a knob and strange static noises pitched and yawed. The frequency changed and the tone fluctuated.
"What is that?" I asked softly.
Just before Monty could answer Raven walked in holding a spool of wire in her hands.
"I found some good antenna wire for the radios. This guy was using it to fix his bed." She added with slight amusement. "You find anything else from the Exodus ship wreckage?"
"Yeah, data log," Monty replied. "Want to hear something weird?"
He flicked a switch, and the static came back.
Raven listened intently for a moment and said: "Sounds like interference."
"Wait. It gets weirder. When the signal hit, their nav the system went nuts. They never got it back, and then boom." I tried to understand what they were talking about, but it was mostly gibberish to me, but I understood enough to know that something went wrong. "It's like something was jamming the signal."
"That is weird. It also makes no sense whatsoever."
"No." Monty agreed.
"Now pull the drives and speakers," Raven ordered him.
"You want to strip it? We'll never find out why they crashed." Monty stated.
"We need every component we can get our hands on if we're gonna make walkies" She explained. She then turned her head towards the radio with a thoughtful look on her face. "And I need the radio."
"No way." Monty quickly stood from his chair and moved towards the radio to stop her. "How are we supposed to contact the Ark?"
Raven flicked a switch on the radio, but all that came from it was dead static "The Ark is not there. You're listening to a hole in the sky." Monty's face dropped with dispair.
Raven went to turn it off and pull it to pieces when Monty put his hand out asking her to wait. "My family is up there." He begged her.
"I'm sorry." She atoned before pulling a handful of yellow wires off the speaker.
I felt a slight tug at my heart. I knew what Monty was going through, I could empathise with him.
Chatter began to grow louder outside, telling us the hunters had returned.
Raven and I made our way out of the Dropship to see the hunting parties file back in through the gate with their kills.
"The hunters are back? Is Finn with them?" Raven asked Murphy as we approached the table he was standing at, gutting fish.
"I don't think so." He said.
Clearly concerned, Raven kept searching the crowds for Finn. "Hey relax. I'm sure Clarke is keeping him out of trouble." Murphy added, trying to stir up a commotion. Raven froze in her place and slowly panned her head.
"Shut the hell up, Murphy." I groaned.
I couldn't see Raven's face, but I could tell that the pain of their breakup was still fresh in her mind. She still cared greatly about Finn, but the strain of him being in love with Clarke was too much for Raven to let their relationship continue.
After a moment she strode off into the crowd.
I turned to Murphy and shook my head in disgust. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
I didn't give him a chance to reply before I spun around and made my way into the dropship to help Monty.
He was mournfully taking apart the radio, piece by piece.
"Can I help?" I asked.
"Sure." He said after a moment. "Can you start sorting those wires and parts?"
I looked down at the mass of electrical pieces on the table behind him, a little overwhelmed by the new task ahead of me. "I can try," I explained nervously.
"You're not familiar with any of this I'm guessing." He inferred.
"Your assumption is correct," I replied as I sat in front of the table. I began to sort through the confusion before me, studying every piece I picked up, attempting to familiarise myself with everything. Monty noticed that I was having trouble with a few things and helpfully explained the basic things I need to know before I was efficiently sorting everything I was being handed.
The night drew on and I began to grow tired. I tried to hide my yawns but eventually, Monty caught on.
"Go to bed. You've had a busy day almost burning to death and what-not."
I recognised his comment as a joke and laughed it off but agreed with him that I needed to sleep. I stood from the table and made my way out. As I made my way towards my tent I passed Raven. She carried her boots in her hands and her hair was down and messy. In the direction she was walking, it looked like she'd just come from my tent.
I looked back at Raven walking into the distance as I ducked into the tent. As I spun back around I saw Bellamy laying on the bed, wearing nothing and only covered with a blanket.
"Oh god!" I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut and turned back to the entrance of the tent. "Sorry, I -- Sorry," I mumbled and quickly left the tent, letting the tarp door fall behind me. I stood with my back to the tent for a moment letting everything sink in. Suddenly everything clicked. Raven had just come from our tent. I'm just glad I didn't get there sooner.
After a moment I quickly walked away. I heard Bellamy call out my name but before he could dress and follow me I had disappeared. I went to the only place I could think of: Octavia's tent.
I walked in still flustered and shaken from what I had just narrowly missed. Octavia was lying on her stomach on her bed, flicking through the book she'd gotten from Lincoln.
"Oh hey, Annie." She greeted me before she saw the expression on my face. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, closing the book and standing from her bed.
"I--" My breathing was laboured, as though I had just been running.
"Sit down." She insisted, taking my arm.
I couldn't begin to explain to her what I had just witnessed. So instead I asked her a question. "What does heartbreak feel like?"
"Oh, um..." she thought for a moment, a little caught off guard that I had changed the topic, and said: "It feels like you've been punched in the chest; like a thousand knives are moving around inside you; like you're trying to keep everything together, but sooner or later you know you're going to break and implode."
I blew out a long deep breath and buried my face in my hands. "God, why does that describe me perfectly right now?" I rhetorically asked her.
"What happened?" She asked me urgently.
"I just saw something I really wish I hadn't." I disclosed.
"With Bell?"
"Mhmm," I mumbled, my voice cracking an octave higher than normal.
I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Raven was my friend, but she had no way of knowing that this would have upset me because I had no idea, either.
And then there was Bellamy. This practically answered any and every question I had regarding my feelings towards him, and his feelings about me. They were clearly not mutual.
We sat in silence for what seemed like a few minutes, but was more likely an hour before I stood and said: "I need to get some air."
"Do you want me to come?" She asked from the floor.
I shook my head in response, gently declining her offer. I needed some time to be alone.
I wandered around making sure to avoid Raven and Bellamy. After I was sure my heart rate had returned to normal I decided to get a drink. I walked into the water tent and quenched my thirst, but I didn't leave just yet. A soft shine caught my eyes and I looked down to see a pair of makeshift scissors on the floor. I picked them up and an impulsive thought came to mind. I removed the tie in my hair and slipped it into my pocket. On the far wall of the tent was a tarnished mirror that was salvaged from the bunker.
I stared at my reflection for a moment and ran my fingers through my hair, unweaving my waist-length braid and untangling any knots. I took a deep breath and took a section of my hair and raised the scissors. Before I could change my mind I closed the scissors over my hair and sliced through it. I let the long strands fall to the ground before I grabbed another section and cut it too.
It was a reckless decision, but at that moment my brain was screaming at me to do something drastic. I kept cutting pieces of my hair until it took on the desired shape I wanted. I brushed my now short hair side to side making sure I hadn't missed any places. It looked a bit rough, but it looked good. I liked it. A bonus was that it got rid of my singed hair from the fire.

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