0 0 9. S1 E5 Part 1

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No one really slept that night. Memories from what had happened was still fresh in our minds. I volunteered to be on Patrol. I wandered around checking stations and the wall. Bellamy was up for hours with me until I told him to go to bed. His eyes were red and dark bags shaded under his eyes. He hesitantly gave in and left me alone. I wandered over to Octavia who was bagging rations.
"Can't sleep either?" She asked me, briefly looking up at me to acknowledge my presence.
"No. All I can think about is how this all would have gone down if we had set rules in place before this happened."
Octavia sighed and opened her mouth to say something when a noise grabbed our attention. We looked up into the sky to see a burning mass falling to the ground. It had come from space.
"Hey, Check it out." Someone called drawing other people's attention to it also.
I ran to Bellamy's tent and rushed inside. "Bellamy! Get out here, you've got to see this." He sluggishly pulled himself out from the tent and stood beside me. "There!" I pointed to the mass just before it fell below the tree line.
"Is it from the Ark?" Octavia asked.
"They're coming to help us." Someone said.
"Now we can kick some grounder ass."
"Ha ha! Yeah!"
"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo."
I raised my eyebrows and looked at the girl who wanted shampoo. "The whole Ark of supplies we need and that's what you want?"
"If it cleared the ridge, it's probably near the lake. We should get moving. Everyone's ready." Octavia mentioned eagerly.
"No one's going anywhere," Bellamy demanded. "Not while it's dark. It isn't safe. We'll head out at first light. Pass the word."
Even I knew the danger of going out now, but others had to have seen it. "Everyone for 100 miles saw this thing come down. What if the grounders get to it first? Bell, we should go now."
"I said we wait until sunrise." He repeated firmly.
I sighed heavily not wanting to wait. If it really was from the Ark I wanted to know. I wanted to know if my family was alright if they were still alive.
My eyes began to sting. I was tired, exhausted actually. I couldn't help but try to suppress the yawn that seemed to possess my entire body, but Bellamy noticed.
"You need to sleep. You've been up all night." He said.
"I'll sleep when I know my family is ok." I rebutted. He sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to convince me to go to bed. That was when I saw the look of annoyance behind his eyes. "You were going to go after it now, weren't you?"
He tried to form words to defend himself but nothing came out, at least none before I could get another word in. "If there's a radio in it you don't want anyone to know." I scoffed at the realisation that I was right.
"If the Ark finds out we are still alive down here they will come down and when they do they will kill me." He looked frightened. I'd never seen Bellamy Blake frightened before.
"Bellamy my family is up there. They could be dying for all I know. I can't let you do this." I said firmly but quietly. If people heard us who knows what would happen.
"What else am I supposed to do?"
"Help me find the pod." I insisted. "If there's a radio then we will decide what to do when we find it. Ok?"

"How do you know this is the right way?" he asked as I glanced up at the sky, looking for the stars through the canopy of trees.
"I had a lot of free time in Lock Up," I began to explain. "So I asked my parents to bring me books to read. They brought me a book on stars and after that, I only asked them for Astronomy books for, like, a year." He didn't say anything in reply so I continued. "I can navigate with the stars. The Pod landed North West from camp. we are going in the right direction."
"That's actually really cool." He mumbled
"The sun will be up soon, we'll lose the stars. Come on." As we began to wade deeper into the vegetation we were caught off guard when a voice called after us.
"Annie! Bellamy! What are you doing?" Octavia called, running up to us from behind.
"Go back to camp. It isn't safe." Bellamy instructed as he kept walking.
"You lied to everyone. You lied to me." She said as she stepped in front of him stopping him in his tracks. Hearing the tone in her voice made me feel guilty. She was my best friend and I felt like I had betrayed her. "You just want whatever's in that pod..."
"Just go home!" He demanded.
"You always want to play the big brother, huh? Well, guess what? The joke's on me. You're just a selfish dick."
"I did this for you, to protect you. If the Ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down. And when they do... I'm dead."
"What did you do?"
"I shot him. I shot Jaha."
"I found out they were sending you to Earth. I couldn't let you go alone. Someone came to me with a deal... do this. Kill him, and they'd get me on the dropship. And I did it."
"You killed the chancellor?"
"He floated our mother. He locked you up. He locked Annie up for defending herself. He deserved it."
"Bellamy..." I began but I couldn't figure out what to say to him.
"I didn't ask you to do that."
"You're right. I made the choice. This is on me. Whatever they sent down, I'll take care of it."
"I didn't ask for any of this. Annie, how could you go along with this? You're my best friend!" She spat before she turned and ran off.
"Come on," Bellamy said, urging me along. I almost didn't want to go with him anymore. But I knew if he went by himself he would destroy the radio.
"Everyone else is going to be awake soon. What if we're too late?" I asked as we walked a little faster.
"Then we split up." He said.
"No," I replied firmly. "I told you once we find it we will make the decisions together."
"Then we make the decisions together." He retorted snapping back at me. He spun around and walked back towards me. "We split up, find the pod. Once one of us finds it we find the other and then figure out what to do with the information we have. Ok?"
I took several deep breaths, trying my hardest not to throw a fist in his face. "Fine. But you come to find me the minute you locate the pod, got it?"
We split to go in different directions. I was still hesitant to let him go and was tempted to follow him, but I had to believe that he would keep his word. But it was so hard to try and trust him. I couldn't let him go off by himself, could I?

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