0 0 2. S1 E1 Part 2

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As we left camp Octavia leant over to me and said: "I've got dibs on Finn."
I laughed and said, "He's all yours."
"You don't want him?" She asked jumping over a rock.
"Not my type," I mentioned.
As we got further from the dropship I began to notice different plants and flowers sprouting up. Old tree trunks about waist high we're covered in moss and purple flowers. Octavia and I split to around one. Finn also walked by one and picked one of the flowers. Turning around to face O he held the flower up and moved some of her hair to slip the stem into it.
"That my friend is 'game'," Jasper muttered quietly.
"That my friend is Poison Sumac," Monty added.
"What?" Octavia panicked. "It is?" She quickly brushed the flower out of her hair.
"The flowers aren't poisonous." Monty claimed, "they're medicinal, calming actually." He assured us as he picked one himself and began chewing on it.
"How do you know that?" I asked picking another flower for Octavia and giving it to her with a smile.
Clarke turned around fed up with us lagging behind.
"His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on the Ark," Jasper mentioned.
"What about you, Annie? What station are you from?" Monty asked me.
"Uh, I'm from farm station, too, actually."
"Hey, guys," Clarke called "would you try to keep up?"
"Come on, Clarke," Finn lamented, "How do you block all this out?"
"Well, it's simple. I wonder why haven't we seen any animals? Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us." She sounded aggravated. "Sure is pretty though. Come on." With that, she turned around and kept leading us towards our destination.
"Someone should slip her some Poison Sumac," I mutter.
"I was thinking the same thing," Octavia replied with a smile holding her hand up for a high five which I gladly reciprocated.
We all followed Clarke with Jasper still snorting at my comment.
"I gotta know what you guys did to get busted." Finn inquired. I felt nervous. I had only told Octavia about what I'd done. I didn't want to tell anyone else. Not yet anyway.
"Sumac isn't the only herb in the garden if you know what I mean." Monty started
"Someone forgot to replace what we took." Jasper finished.
"Someone has apologised like a thousand times."
"What about you Octavia? What did they get you for?" Jasper asked.
Octavia was silent for a moment before she said "Being born." She walked over to where Clarke was crouching down, gesturing for us to come quietly.
"That is so not game," I said turning to the two boys before heading over to Clarke.
We all crouched around Clarke and she pointed ahead of us. There standing about ten metres away was a Deer. Its head was down and it was eating.
"No animals huh?" Finn retorted to Clarke's earlier comment.
We all stared in wonder. Until Finn took a step forward and broke a stick. The loud snap disturbed the deer and it looked right at us. We were all taken aback when we saw its mutated face. It had another mouth coming out of the other side of its face. It looked around with alarm before it ran off.
"What the hell was that?" I asked in confusion and disgust.
"It must have been because of the radiation. It's mutated the DNA." Clarke muttered.
"Are all the animals like that?" Octavia asked.
"I don't know."
We decided to continue to walk. We came to the top of a decline. It was covered in trees and roots that protruded out of the ground. Moss and ferns were everywhere.
We were also lent until we got closer to the bottom of the hill. Finn was the first to speak. "Why send us down today? After 97 years? What changed?"
"Who cares, I'm just glad they did," Octavia chimed. "I woke up rotting in a cell, and now, I'm spinning in a forest." She said as she grabbed a tree and swung herself around.
"Maybe they found something," Monty suggested. "An old satellite or—"
"It wasn't a satellite," Clarke said confidently. "The ark is dying." We all froze. Unsure whether we heard her correctly or not. "At the current population level, they've got roughly three months left of life support. Maybe four now that we're gone.
"So that was the secret they locked you up to keep?" I enquired.
"That's why they kept you in solitary and floated your old man?" Finn added.
I could tell she was uneasy about the subject. "My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The council disagreed. 'My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic."
"It would, wouldn't it? Being told you are going to die and there's nothing they can do?" I piped in. News that big would surely cause some kind of disruption.
"We were going to go public anyway when Wells..." she didn't like Wells. It was easy to tell. Now it all made sense why.
"What? Turned in your dad?" Monty asked.
"Anyway, the guard showed up before he could. That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we die at least they bought themselves a little time."
The air was thick with tension my feet were dragging on the ground trying to keep up. All I could think of was the little girl I used to look after up on the ark.
"They're going to kill more people aren't they?" Monty asked as more of a statement than a question. Clarke didn't answer.
"Good. After what they did to me I say float 'em all." Octavia said with a skip in her step.
Clarke and Finn stopped walking but Octavia kept going. "You don't mean that," Jasper said following after her.
"Jasper's got a thing for O?" I asked Monty.
"Just a bit." He replied as he continued walking, following after Octavia.
We came to a stop when we saw Octavia standing on a rock taking off her jacket. I raced up to see what she was doing when I saw the water. I soon began to follow suit. My shoes were the first to come off. Followed by my jacket.
"Annie! Octavia! What the hell are you doing?" Octavia glanced back, and without answering, she jumped into the water. It wasn't deep. But we couldn't swim.
The others rushed over as I was undoing my pants. She stayed mostly underwater with her eyes and nose peering up.
"Octavia, we can't swim!" Monty reminded her.
"No," she began. "But we can stand." She stood revealing just how deep the water actually was. It only came up to her elbows.
"Wait, there's not supposed to be a river here," Clarke said.
"Who cares." I stared and I made my way down to the edge of the water.
"Well, there is. So take off you're damn clothes." Finn replied smoothly.
I put a foot in the water and quickly retracted it. "It's freezing." I cried.
"Jump in. It's not that bad once you're all in." Octavia said. I just stood and laughed.
That's when I saw something in the corner of my eye. A large ripple behind her. "O, get out," I stated.
"Octavia get out of the water." Jasper cried desperately.
Concerned, she turned around and just as she saw the ripples she was dragged under.
"Octavia!" I cried.
The only thoughts going through my head were 'Where is she?' And 'Bellamy is going to kill me.'
She resurfaced but she was being dragged. She tried to cry for help but she couldn't get enough of a breath to do so. Her arms were flailing trying to get away from whatever it was.
"What the hell is that?" Monty asked.
"We have to help her," Finn said.
"What are you going to do?" Jasper asked him.
"Try not to get eaten," I replied.
I was about to jump in when Clarke grabbed my shoulder and said: "Wait if we distract it, it might let her go. Help me." She said as she began to push a large rock. To our relief it did.
"It worked! It let her go." Finn announced
"O, get to the shore, now!" I cried. Jasper and I jumped into the water none of us could swim but we had to help her. We struggled to get her to the shore but we did. It was getting out that was the next problem.
"It's coming back!" Monty cried. "It's headed right for you guys."
We managed to haul ourselves into a rock in time that it swam right by us. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I had never felt so scared in my life.
"Are you ok?" I asked Octavia. She nodded and turned to Jasper and hugged him.
I looked down to see several gashes in her right thigh. Clarke was already making a tourniquet for her out of a piece of Jasper's shirt. "You're going to be ok." She said.
"Note to self," Monty said. "Next time, save the girl." We all laughed softly. Even Clarke smiled with amusement.
"Let's not do that again," I said.
"Agreed." Jasper sighed.
It was starting to get dark. We decided to camp out under a canopy of trees not far from the river to let us rest. Octavia was in no shape or mood to move just yet.
We sat around the little fire we were able to make. With no food, our stomachs began to rumble.
"Hey Annie, you never told us why you were arrested," Finn mentioned as Monty added more wood to the fire.
I sighed heavily. I took in another breath about to tell them when Octavia spoke up. "She doesn't want to talk about it."
"No, it's ok, O," I admit. "I have to face the music sometime, right? When I was 11, a boy that lived next door to me used to beat me and bully me. He would take my rations from me and other kids on my deck. Then one day I was sick of it and I stole a gun from a guard and tried to shoot him. I got him in the leg. They arrested me on the spot for theft and attempted murder. I tried to plead my case but they wouldn't listen. Almost 8 years in lockup I thought I'd forget what my name was. If I didn't meet Octavia I thought I was going to go insane."
Everyone was silent. I turned to Finn and said, "How does that compare to an illegal spacewalk?"
"I think what you did was brave." He replied.
I laid down without another word and the camp was silent. I closed my eyes, not wanting to think about why I was arrested. I thought about little Lucy. I would read her stories every night before I sent her to bed. I had the words to her favourite story memorised. I said them over in my head as I fell asleep. I don't even remember if I finished the story or not. I was shaken awake by Clarke.
As I followed her back to the river with everyone else, Finn had found a way to cross the river. He stood on a high ledge with Jasper with a handful of vines. "We fly over." He said.
He constantly readjusted his grip, as if he was nervous.
"You wanted to go first now quit stalling.
"Just hang on until the apogee and you'll be fine," Jasper told him.
"The apogee? Like the Indians right?" Finn questioned.
"Apogee, not Apache."
"He knows." Clarke lamented. "Today, Finn."
"Aye aye, Captain." He saluted and turned to Jasper. "See you on the other side."
I saw Jasper glance down at Octavia and he suddenly said: "Wait."
"Let me." Finn looked down at Octavia briefly and he understood why. "I can do it." Jasper insisted.
Finn nodded and handed the vines to Jasper. "I knew there was a badass in there somewhere." Jasper was clearly nervous. "It's ok to be afraid, the trick is not fighting."
Jasper nodded and said, "See you on the other side."
With that, he kicked off the ground and he began to soar through the air across the river. He cheered with excitement and he let go. He kept soaring towards the other bank and landed on his face, but in hurt.
We all cheered for him when he stood up and cried "We are Apogee!"
"You did it, Jasper!" I called out.
As Finn grabbed the vine that had swung back Jasper wandered over to a piece of metal covered in leaves and dirt. He picked it up and brushed it off. Holding it up for us to see he said "We did it! Mount Weather!"
Suddenly our cheering was stopped when out of nowhere Jasper was launched backwards with a spear in his chest.
"Jasper?" Clarke muttered. Out of instinct, we all moved behind a rock with Jasper still in our sights. "We're not alone."

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