0 0 4. S1 E2 Part 2

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We all followed Finn as he searched the ground and surroundings carefully.
"Hey," Murphy called "how do we know this is the right way?"
Bellamy quickly replied "We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker."
"It's called Cutting Sign. Fourth-year earth skills. He's good." Wells explained.
"You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs? There could be grounders out here." I said in the quietest voice I could but so they could still all hear me.
Finn stopped in front of a small tree, a twig was snapped but still hanging on limply.
Clarke was watching, almost studying Finn intently.
"See? You're invisible." Bellamy said to Wells.
Was Wells in love with Clarke? What happened between the two of them?
We all froze when a distant groan echoed through the trees.
"What the hell was that?" Finn asked.
"Now would be a good time to take out that gun," I mentioned to Bellamy
The moaning continued. We raced towards where the sound was coming from. Emerging from a tree line there was a small clearing. In the middle, a dead tree reached and twisted in all directions. Six feet up, Jasper was tied to the trunk with vines.
"Jasper. Oh, my God." Clarke gasped.
"What the hell is this?"
We all raced forward, not really looking where we were stepping, just trying to get to Jasper.
"Clarke, be careful," Finn warned.
Albeit the warning, she took one wrong step and began to plummet into a covered trap. Bellamy, who was right behind her, grabbed hold of her arm, he looked hesitant to pull her up. Finn, Wells and I helped him pull her up.
"You okay?" Finn asked.
Clarke nodded her head, panting from the scare, "Yeah. We need to get him down."
Wells adjusted his backpack and said, "I'll climb up there and cut the vines."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm with you," Finn replies.
"No. You two stay with Clarke. Keep an eye open for Grounders and watch him. You. Let's go." I said pointing to Murphy, gesturing for him to follow me.
"There's a poultice on his wound," Clarke said as Murphy begrudgingly boosted me up into the tree.
"Medicine?" Wells asked, "Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?"
"Maybe what they're trying to catch likes its dinner to be breathing," Bellamy suggested.
"Maybe What they're trying to catch is us," Finn replied, slightly worried. He had a point.
"What if this is all a trap?" I wondered out loud. "String him up for us to find and then jump us while we're distracted."
"If it is, we need to get out of here and fast," Murphy added
"Ok. Let's hurry up."
"Be careful," Clarke warned.
Suddenly there was low growling noise.
"That doesn't sound good," I muttered under my breath.
"What the hell was that?" Murphy asked scanning the area around us.
"Grounders?" Finn suggested warily.
Murphy and I froze in anticipation of what was out there. The growling turned into snarling and a large black creature walking on all four legs stalked towards us.
"Bellamy, gun!" Clarke said.
He reached to his side but it wasn't there. I heard the gunfire and looked towards Wells. He fired recklessly, he hit it once but it didn't seem to stop it.
It disappeared into the undergrowth, stalking us while hiding. We all held bated breaths when it suddenly jumps out ready to attack Bellamy. Wells fires another shot and it fell to the ground, limp, missing Bellamy.
Wells continued to pull the trigger, the clip was emptied and it just clicked over and over.
"Now she sees you," Bellamy said looking at Wells.
What was he talking about? I dismissed the thought as Murphy and I continued to untie Jasper. Once he was free, we lowered him down to Wells and Finn.
He was unconscious the entire way back to camp, softly groaning every now and then.
The sun was beginning to set when Bellamy walked up to me. "You've got guts, I'll give you that." He said to me.
"What do you mean?" I replied.
"You stood up to me, you took charge. It takes guts to do that."
I gently shook my head. "I'm not trying to be in charge. I'm trying to keep us alive. It's hard to do that when we're living in chaos."
"What's wrong with a little chaos?" He asked.
"Chaos is just the start of it. What happens when things get out of hand and even you can't control it?"
"That's what my gun is for."
"Your gun is empty." I reminded him.
"They don't know that."
"They're back! Over there." someone called as we walked into camp.
Monty ran up to us, concerned for Jasper "Is he..."
"He's alive," Clarke assured him. "I need boiled water and strips of cloth for a bandage." They carried him into the dropship.
Bellamy and Murphy carry in the dead animal, wrapped in part of a parachute. They dropped it on the ground, Bellamy knelt down and pulled back the parachute. "Who's hungry?!" He called out.
Everyone cheered at the thought of eating. It had been 36 hours since we reached the ground. People were hungry.
I sat off to the side while the animal was skinned and butchered. Pieces of meat were skewered on sticks and cooked over the fire. People began to line up, but in order to eat, Bellamy told them to take off their wristbands. Their hunger was clearly greater than their love of their families on the ark. Finn came and sat next to me but didn't say anything.
Clarke came out of the dropship and sat next to Finn "He's stable for now, but without medicine..." she froze when she saw what was happening by the fire. "They're taking off their wristbands for food? No way. I... I won't do it."
I stood from the rock we sat on and said: "You don't have to." I sauntered over to the fire where several meat sticks were stabbed into the ground. I grabbed two but was stopped when Murphy spotted me.
"Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. What, you think you play by different rules?" He asked with a slight smile like I was joking.
"I thought there were no rules," I replied slyly. He didn't know how to reply and didn't stop me from walking back to Clarke and Finn.
I handed them one each and sat down. Clarke looked over at me and asked: "What about you?"
"Not hungry," I replied. "I lost my appetite listening to Jasper's groaning."
"You should eat something. Who knows when we'll find more food." She mentioned.
"I grew up eating once every couple of days. I'm used to it."
"Annie-" Finn began to rebut.
"It's ok. Really." I assure him and stood to say goodnight to them.
I laid down on the makeshift bed that I made after we got back. I stared up at the stars and became lost in thought.
I lost track of time and was startled when a face appeared above me.
"Holy crap, Bellamy. Why?" I stated
"Have you eaten anything?" He asked.
My eyebrows raised in surprise. "Have you been watching me?"
"I'm watching everyone."
"There are 98 other people here. And you manage to keep track of everyone?" I asked, not convinced by his claim.
"Only those that can help me."
I pushed myself off the ground my hands behind me to support me. "I'm not going to help you achieve your little agenda."
"That's not what I was going to ask you." He rebuked me quickly.
I tilted my beckoning him to continue. "I want you to help me run things around here. Like a second in command."
"What about Murphy and Mbege?" I asked.
"They're more like my bitches." He said. It made me smile to hear him say that about them.
"Why me?" I asked. "You could ask anyone but you chose me. Why?"
"You have a knack for it. You may not see it yet, but you do. I saw how you handled yourself out there today, you're assertive but you're not authoritative. These people could use someone like that."
I nodded my head, listening and considering what he said. "I'll think about it."
"Don't think too long." He said and walked off.
I went to lay back down when I noticed something beside me. Stuck in the ground was a stick of meat. I don't know how I didn't see him put it there, and I wanted to find out.

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