0 0 5. S1 E3 Part 1

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I couldn't sleep. Clarke continued to monitor Jasper inside the dropship. I was glad I decided to sleep outside, those who slept inside must have been going insane listening to the pained moaning that sounded a little like a zombie. Even outside I could hear annoyed voices groaning for him to shut up.
After hours of watching the stars slowly drift across the sky, I decided to put my restless brain to use. I wandered around for a while before I found strong and thick blades of grass almost a foot long. I gathered several hands full and wandered back to my bed.
I sat down and kicked my boots off, setting the blades of grass beside me. The moon provided a decent amount of light as well as the slowly dying fire that still glowed and flickered weakly.
With my legs crossed and my feet bare I picked up two pieces of grass and began to weave them into a pouch about a five-inch square, incorporating more in as needed.
"Can't sleep either?" A voice asked from beside me.
I looked up, my hands still working away, and saw Bellamy. I glanced back down at my hands and said: "Can anyone?"
There was a silence between us as my hands kept working. "Wha'cha making there?" He asked kneeling down beside me.
"I figured we could forage for wild berries, nuts and roots. We would need to ration them." I held up the partially finished product turning it over showing it to him, "May as well keep them in something to ration them easily."
He seemed intrigued. "How'd you do that?"
"What? Learn to weave?"
"Two weeks before they sent us down here we were obliged to attend Earth Skill classes. Of course, at the time we had no idea why. They weren't particularly entertaining, but I enjoyed learning." I explained briefly looking up at him as I continued to fold and weave the blades.
He was silent for a minute before he sat down across from me. "Can you show me?"
I looked up, surprised by his question. "You want to learn how to weave?" I asked, unsure if I heard him right.
He just smiled gently. I was still in shock and I didn't know what to say. "Uh... yeah. Ok." I put down my unfinished product and handed him two blades of grass. I picked up another two and showed him how to start it.
"Ok. Start here like this," I explained holding up my hands showing him what I'd done and he mirrored my instructions.
"Like this?"
"Yeah. Then you want to wrap it around to secure it, like this." I tried to go slowly so he could copy me. "Yeah, just put that there," I said pointing to where it needed to go. "Good. Now grab another one and do the same thing. You want to do that all along both sides."
I watched as he tried to remember how to do it and his face scrunched up when he struggled.
"Um..." he mumbled. I could help but laugh at his confusion. "I don't think that's right." He admitted holding it up for me to see.
"No, it is right." I assured him, "You just need to..." I reached over to help him, taking his hands in mine and moving them to where I could guide him. "Just like that."
My hands lingered on his longer than they should have. I soon felt awkward and pulled my hands away. I quickly busied my hands and kept my head down as my cheeks grew warm. It was too dark to tell for certain, but I thought I saw a bit of colour on his face too.
"Once you're done with that, you then, just start weaving the strands together, making sure it's tight as you go, or it will fall apart." I tried to swallow a lump in my throat as I watched him. His hands looked a little shaky, but he tried to hide it.
"Are you ok?" I finally asked.
"Yeah," he stated, a little unconfidently. "Just tired." He said and put down the half-finished pouch. "You should try and get some sleep. You need it."
I sighed as he stood, thinking about how I'd already tried to sleep, it didn't work out so well last time. "Have you thought about my offer?" He asked.
"A bit," I said looking up at him.
"I think you'd be good at it." He said. "This," he gestured to the pouch in my hand "this just proves it to me more."
"I don't want to be in control," I said.
"It's not 'control' that I need you for. It's your ideas, your intuition. You're already thinking about tomorrow and what we can do to prepare ourselves for the future." His pep talk was moving.
I thought for a moment before I said: "Ok."
"'Ok' as in 'yes'?" He asked.
"Yeah," I replied. "But I'm not going to take my wristband off," I stated firmly. "My parents are up there and I want to see them again."
Bellamy nodded in understanding. "That's enough for me."
"Really? No 'we don't need them'? No 'whatever the hell we want'?" I asked curiously.
"No. Not this time." He said before he turned around and walked away.
Bellamy confuses me, to say the least. I didn't know what angle he was trying to get at, but I was going to probe him until I found out.
I did manage to fall asleep, I managed to forget about Jasper dying and thought about Bellamy. What he was trying to ultimately achieve with me? He'd never acted the way he did with me with anyone else since I'd met him.
When I woke I continued on with my weaving until everyone was up and moving. I got up and searched for Bellamy. I found him talking to Murphy and his followers. As I approached he dismissed them and turned to me.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi," I replied. "What are they doing?" I asked gesturing towards the boys that just left.
"I'm teaching them how to hunt." He said. "I want you to take a handful of people to forage for whatever you can find. Everyone else is going to be starting on the wall."
"How many do you want me to take?"
"Five should be fine. Try to stay within 300 feet of camp." He suggested grabbing a makeshift hatchet. "And here..." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. "Take this."
I cautiously take it and hold it carefully. "What's this for?"
"To protect yourself. I don't want you getting yourself killed if grounders attack."
My eyes widened at his comment. Concern. Caution. "You don't want me getting hurt?" I asked.
"You're my second. You die I'm going to have to get a new one." He said, quite unconvincingly.
"Ok," I said and turned to find some people to help.
Several hours later I came back with a makeshift bag full of different nuts and berries. I instructed that each should be separated into their different types and rationed into packs and showed them how to weave just like I showed Bellamy.
I went to find Bellamy to let him know we had returned. I found him wandering camp inspecting the construction on the wall.
"Hey," I said as I walked up behind him.
"Hey," he replied briefly turning his head to acknowledge me and kept walking.
"Any luck hunting?" I asked as I strolled alongside him.
"No, but there's always tomorrow. How about you?" He asked hopefully.
"Pretty good," I replied. "We found tons of different berries and nuts. Even a few wild roots." I informed him.
"Well, it's something." He stated.
I then took notice of how far along the wall had come since I left this morning. "Wow." I said, "They know how to get the job done."
He nodded his head and stared at me. Not into my eyes, but at my forehead. "What?" I asked. "Do I still have a berry stain on my head?"
His eyebrows furrowed into confusion. "Why would you have a stain on your head?"
I glared at him not wanting to share the story of the food fight that we had only an hour ago. "Not important," I muttered slowly.
"No," he replied curiously "you're looking a little sunburnt." He said.
"Am I?" I asked touching my forehead and felt a slight stinging sensation. "Oh yeah."
"Why don't you come inside and get out of the sun?" He offered, gesturing to his tent.
I was shocked to hear him say that. I didn't know how to really reply. I just stood there. He smiled and scoffed and began to usher me towards his tent "Come on."
He led me inside and gestured to his makeshift bed and told me to sit down and rest. I did as he said and then I saw something that made me smile. He had not only kept his little weaving project but he kept going with it even after he left last night. I admired it with fascination. He noticed me examining it and drew a breath, but couldn't think of what to say.
"You've got a natural talent," I said. I could have sworn he blushed.
He scratched his ear and said, "There is some insulation and duct tape next to you, I figured it would be easier and quicker for making rationing packs."
I picked up one of the few that he had already made and said "Yeah, you're right. Where did you find the duct tape?"
"Found it in a compartment in the Dropship." He explained taking off his jacket, leaving him in his t-shirt.
After Murphy walked in I focused on making ration packs and distributing a roughly even amount of nuts and roots into each. the berries wouldn't last long so I decided to leave them in the bag and share them around later.
While Bellamy and Murphy were talking Octavia marched in in a huff. "What did you do to Atom?" Bellamy motioned for Murphy to leave. He turned and exited the tent without another word.
"Atom's fine." He replied casually.
"Then why did he blow me off?" She spat back.
I started to get the feeling that this conversation was something I didn't want to be a part of but wasn't sure if I could just get up and leave without disrupting the two siblings. I had already disappeared into the floor.
"Maybe he's just not interested."
"You can't keep everyone away from me."
I wanted to say something but was kind of interested in what happened and where it was going.
"Atom had to learn. You disobey me, you pay the price. He paid the price. Now we're good." I suddenly realised that Bellamy was a really controlling brother.
"Now I'm paying the price." Octavia explained, "So, next time you decide to go on a power trip, leave me out of it." She demanded.
Our attention was pulled away when a harsh and pained cry echoed through camp. Octavia suddenly rushed out of the tent. Bellamy and I shared a glanced and soon followed Octavia to the dropship, Jasper's cries were harsh and piercing. Whatever was happening it didn't sound good.
Octavia Rushed up the ladder and cried "Stop it! You're killing him."
Finn replied as Bellamy and I stepped onto the upper level. "She's trying to save his life."
Bellamy interjected, "She can't." As much as I hated to agree, he was right. He wasn't getting better and his groaning was driving people insane.
Wells stood and approached the two of us, standing up to Bellamy "Back off."
"We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die." Clarke insisted.
"Kid's a goner." He said apathetically "If you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy."
"Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters."
"Take a look at him. He's a lost cause."
Octavia looked down at Jasper with a worried look in her eyes.
"Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope." Clarke assured her.
Bellamy sighed and said: "This isn't about hope, it's about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself. Octavia, let's go."
"I'm staying here." She replied defiantly, clearly aggravating Bellamy, but he didn't fight her.

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