0 1 0. S1 E5 Part 2

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I didn't know how much longer I could search without greatly risking getting caught by grounders. But I knew I had to. The survival of the Ark depended on me finding that pod and finding a radio. Without our wristbands, they must have assumed we were all dead. I couldn't let that happen, I had to let my parents know that I was alright.
Minutes ticked by and I could feel myself getting more and more anxious. What if the Grounders had found it first? What then? I couldn't fight them off by myself. But I still could be wrong, and they mightn't care about it at all. With all the junk floating around the atmosphere surely some things would fall to the ground every now and then, hopefully, they didn't think this was any different. But I still had to find it first.
And I did. It sat in a small clearing surrounded by trees, the stream was about a hundred meters to the left. If it had landed in the stream, whatever was inside, a radio, food, it would have been useless. We got lucky.
I ran to the pod and pulled open the hatch. I won't say I was disappointed by what I found inside, just surprised. It was a person. They wore a spacesuit, but they were unconscious. I climbed inside and tried to shake them awake.
"Hey, can you hear me?" I asked.
They sat bolt right up and turned their head side to side, trying to assess their situation.
"You're ok. It's alright." I assured them. I could now see that it was a girl, maybe 18 or 19. Her head was bleeding. I helped her pull her helmet off and inspected the wound.
She was still rattled. "I made it?" She asked, letting me help her.
"Welcome to Earth," I said grimly. Her wound didn't look too deep, it had mostly stopped bleeding, which was good. "You're going to be ok," I stated. "What's your name?"
"Raven." She said. "Is everyone still alive?"
"Most of us. A few died before we landed, a few were taken out by a poisonous fog, but most of us are still here." She gave me a concerned look when I mentioned the fog.
I helped her out of the pod and helped her strip off the suit she wore. I watched her as she explored her new surroundings. "It's so beautiful." She muttered. She inhaled deeply through her nose. "I dreamed it would smell like this."
A light shower began to fall from the sky. "Is this rain?" She asked with a smile on her face.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Raven." another voice appeared out of nowhere. We both spun to see Finn running towards us with Clarke in tow.
"Finn!" Raven ran towards Finn and they warmly embraced one another and kissed. I glanced at Clarke who had a shocked look on her face. She looked hurt. I pressed my lips together, knowing exactly what had happened.
"I knew you couldn't be dead." She muttered longingly.
"You're bleeding," Finn said spotting the wound on her head.
"I don't care." She replied trying to kiss him again.
"How did you get here?"
"You know that big scrap hold, the one on K deck?"
"You built that from scrap?"
"I kind of rebuilt it. Please. Like that's hard. It just needed a couple parts and some love."
"You're insane."
"I'd do more for you and worse. Just like you would for me." She smiled, looking pleased with herself when she began to sway uneasily in Finn's arms.
"Come on, sit down. Sit down here. Let me get something for that." He sat her down on a rock and turned walked over to Clarke who was already busily digging through her bag for something to stop the bleeding.
"I'm sorry," Finn whispered to her.
"Let's not talk about this."
"We've known each other our whole lives."
"We don't need to talk about it. She needs to put pressure on her wound."
"Thanks." He made his way back to Raven and gave her the cloth. "This is Clarke. She was on the dropship, too."
"Clarke?" Raven repeated. She'd heard her name before. "This was all because of your mom."
"My mom?" Clarke inquired.
"This was all her plan. We were trying to come down here together. If we waited..." She froze, a look of fear swept over her face. "Oh, my God. We couldn't wait because the council was voting whether to kill 300 people to save air."
"When?" I asked.
"Today. We have to tell them you're alive." She raced back to the pod and searched for something, my guess, a radio. "The radio's gone. It must've gotten loose during reentry. I should've strapped it to the A-strut. Stupid!" She cried banging her fist against the side of the pod.
"No, no, this is my fault," I mentioned. Knowing exactly what happened to it. "Bellamy and I split up to find the pod. I made him swear we would decide together what to do once we had found it. He must have gotten here first and pulled it out." I felt stupid for believing he would keep his word.
"We have to find him," Clarke said. "How long ago did you split up?"
"About twenty minutes before I found the pod. About half an hour ago."
"Ok, let's go." We all took off looking for Bellamy, knowing he would probably be on his way back to camp.
"There he is. Bellamy!" I pointed out to the others.
"Annie, did you find it?" He asked curiously as we approached.
"Don't give me that bull crap. I know you found it first. Where's the radio?"
"What are you talking about?" He asked, but before I could reply Clarke shoved me out of the way to confront him.
"They're getting ready to kill 300 people up there to save oxygen. And I can guarantee you it won't be council members. It'll be working people. Your people. Bellamy, please, just— Where's the radio?" She spat words at him so vividly, if she were a snake she'd be deadly.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He stated.
"Bellamy Blake?" Raven piped in. "They're looking everywhere for you."
"Shut up." Bellamy snapped.
Clarke gave her a curious look "Looking for him why?"
"He shot Chancellor Jaha." 
There was a moment of silence and I could feel my chest tighten, I knew this wasn't going to end well. Bellamy didn't want this many people to know.
"That's why you took the wristbands. You needed everyone to think we're dead. And all that "whatever the hell we want"? You just care about saving your own skin." Clarke was venomous. The look on her face was more than enough to tell she wanted to do something drastic to him.
Bellamy shrugged off her comments and continued walking only to be stopped by Raven.
"Hey! Shooter! Where's my radio?" She demanded.
"Get out of my way."
"Where is it?" She repeated.
"I should've killed you when I had the chance."
"Really? Well, I'm right here." She waited for a response but got none. "Where's my radio?"
"Ok, stop it." I cried. 
"Jaha deserved to die. You all know that." Bellamy said.
Raven scoffed and replied "Yeah, he's not my favourite person, either. But he isn't dead."
"What?" Bellamy asked in disbelief, his voice almost shaky.
"You're a lousy shot."
I grabbed Bellamy's arms and looked him dead in the eyes, hoping he saw the elated look in my own. "Bellamy, don't you see what this means? You're not a murderer. You always did what you had to do to protect your Octavia. That's who you are. And you can do it again, by protecting 300 of our people. You, just need to tell us where the radio is."
"It's too late." He sighed.
"What do you mean? What did you do?" I asked in a low voice.
He sighed and said "I threw it in the stream. I'm sorry." This time I knew he was being genuine. He was sorry.
"Show us where," I said.
Without another word he led us towards the stream, to the place he threw the radio.

After a brief detour back to camp we brought a handful of people to help search for the radio. I could feel the anxiety evaporating off of Bellamy as we stood by the shore, waiting for some good news.
"We'll find it, ok," I reassured him.
"And if we don't? 300 people are going to die."
"You didn't know. How could you have possibly known that this was going to happen?" I asked.
"And what if your parents are on the list for the culling?"
I felt a lump in my throat and my chest tighten. What if? I didn't want to think about it. I tried to swallow the lump but it wouldn't go down.
"Hey. I found it." Someone called out.
We ran into the water, following Raven, wading towards the finder. She took it from his hands inspecting the contraption.
"Can you fix it?" Clarke asked desperately.
"Maybe. But it'll take half a day just to dry out the components to see what's broken." She explained turning it over in her hands.
"Like I said, it's too late," Bellamy said dismally.
"Do you have any idea what you did? Do you even care?" Clarke raged.
"Hey, enough!" I snapped back at her. "He apologised, what more do you want from him?"
"You asked me to help. I helped." Bellamy retorted back. I had to almost hold him back, I could feel how tense he was. He didn't want this to happen. He didn't know this would happen. He was just trying to protect Octavia.
"300 people are gonna die today because of you." Clarke looked like she wanted to swing her nails and slash his throat.
"Hold up." Raven interrupted, thank goodness she did. "We don't have to talk to The Ark. We just have to let them know we're down here, right?"
"Yeah, but how do we do that with no radio?" I asked.
She had a cunning grin on her face. "Come on. I'll explain on the way."

We made our way back to camp as Raven explain her plan to use flares and launch them into the sky, praying that someone on the ark would be watching and see them. We got to work the moment we got back to the Pod. Raven took charge, making sure everyone was doing their part. Carrying bits and pieces and taking them back to camp, we needed this to work.
"We need to launch those flares ASAP if we have any hope of saving those people." She called in a very calm manner. "Finn, get that control panel to camp. You, pull out those firing circuits in one piece or they won't work." I didn't know what I could do to help. There were already enough people to do the heavy lifting. "Clarke, can I have a hand?"
Bellamy and I stood off to the side watching people come and go from the pod.
"We should get back to camp. There's not much we can do here." I muttered mostly to myself. I was still furious at Bellamy, I didn't want to be, but he betrayed my trust and it was hard to look past now.
I turned and walked past him without so much as a sideways glance. I heard him sigh as he began to follow. Each step I took was purposeful: to put as much distance between myself and him as possible. But his legs were longer than mine, and his stride was fast. I should have started running, but that would have just made my frustration with him more obvious. Guys will tell you if they're upset, but girls, no, we let guys suffer and make them wrack their brain to try and figure it out. We don't use words to communicate.
"Annie," He called as he jogged to my side, "I said I'm sorry. I know there is nothing I can do to make it up to you, but you have to understand that I'm trying to protect Octavia. I'm all she has." His apology was genuine, but that didn't help his case.
"What about me?" I asked keeping my fast pace. I didn't even look at him. "Who have I got left if my parents are dead?" He didn't reply. I don't think he knew how to respond. "You tell me that if you didn't come down here Octavia would be all alone. I know Octavia, and I know she loves you, but she doesn't need a white knight to rescue her."
"The flares will work." He said with conviction. I wanted to believe him, but I couldn't help but think that they wouldn't. I had no way of knowing if my parents would live through the night or not. How could I know? My chest felt tight with anticipation, my hands were sweaty and my heart was in my throat.
"And if they don't?" I asked.
He was silent for a moment as we continued walking. "They will."

The first of the flares were launched into the night sky. I stood by Bellamy's side, I felt that if they didn't work I wanted him to be as close as possible so he couldn't run away as I tried to strangle him. Clarke stood on the other side of him, watching the flares intently.
"You think they can see it from up there?" He asked.
Clarke kept her eyes up and replied: "I don't know. I hope so." As the next set of flares shot upwards she tilted her head and asked: "Can you wish on this kind of shooting star?" Bellamy gave her a strange look, he'd clearly never heard of shooting stars. "Forget it."
Bellamy sighed as he turned his gaze back to the sky. "I wouldn't even know what to wish for."
I didn't say anything but I silently made a wish of my own.
"Please let us not be too late."

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