0 1 6. S1 E9 Part 1

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I made my way over to the dropship, where everyone was gathering to watch the Unity Day pageant that was happening on the Ark momentarily.
As I approached I could already hear chancellor Jaha beginning his speech.
"My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground."
We could hear the applaud from the present crowd over the speaker. But not one of us raised a hand.
"Right." Miller scoffed. "After we did all the work. Someone shut him up."
"You shut up, Miller. No one's forcing you to watch." Raven retorted. I had a good feeling Raven and I would get along very well.
As Jaha spoke more people began to get her around to watch.
"For ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence, hoping that someday our descendants would return to Earth."
A voice cheered behind us and we all turned to see who was apparently celebrating. And of course, it was Jasper. He held high in his hands a silver barrel, people seemed to know exactly what it was as they scrambled to find drinking containers to be filled.
"Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again! Hey! Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?! There you go."
I didn't move, instead, I decided to stay in front of the monitor and finish watching Jaha's tedious speech. But my attention was grabbed by something else. Octavia sneaking out of camp.
Everyone was preoccupied with Jasper pouring out the moonshine that no one saw me follow her. I caught up to her just before she snuck out under the fence.
"Where are you going?" I asked in a hushed tone, grabbing her wrist and catching her by surprise.
"Please don't tell anyone." She begged me. "I have to make sure he alright."
I sighed knowing if anyone noticed she'd disappeared I'd have to cover her ass.
"This is the second time you've snuck out. I can't keep covering for you." I said.
"Please!" She begged.
After a moment of hesitation I finally let her go without another word.
"Love you, Annie!" She softly called.
"Yeah, yeah." I replied.

I wandered in and out of the groups of teenagers celebrating with drinks and games. I wasn't much good at socialising, it was a skill I lacked, thanks to lock up. So instead of joining in I supervised, feeling that was all I was really good for at the current time.
I hadn't even noticed when the video feed from the Ark dropped out, all that was in the screen was now static. I wasn't worried. I assumed it was just a poor connection, it would fix it self eventually.
I ultimately ended up standing next to Bellamy in front of the drop ship watching the party unfold in front of us.
"So how's your unity day going?" He asked me.
"Great. My dad is coming down on the first exodus ship in 2 days and I'll get to hear him tell me over and over again that I'm not a criminal. Can't wait for that." My sarcasm was more than evident.
"He just loves his little princess." He mocked me.
I jabbed him with my elbow and scoffed as he laughed.
"Don't call me 'princess'. God, I hate unity day." I finally admitted. "It's a lie. The ark only came together after they blasted the thirteenth station out of the sky. It was called: Polaris. How can lasting peace come from violence? It just doesn't make sense to me."
After a moment of silence Bellamy brought his cup up to his face and said: "Well, aren't you just full of joy," before taking a deep drink.
"Sorry." I uttered back. " I spent the last 7 years in a cell. Pessimism hit me hard and it's kind of become second nature to me."
He gave me a look that I wasn't quite sure how to describe. Was it pity? Condolence? Either way, it made me feel bad for saying anything.
We stood in laconism, we just stared out into the crowd waiting for something to happen, until Bellamy finally broke the silence.
"So, what did you actually do to get arrested?"
I was a little surprised. "Octavia didn't tell you?"
He shook his head and waited for me to dish.
I shrugged my arms and swiftly sat on the ramp of the drop ship and started to explain.
"It's a long story, so if I were you I'd sit down." He wordlessly sat beside me and watched attentively as I began.
"When I was 5 my father had just been promoted to lieutenant, and my mother was chief botanist and agronomist, she took care of most of the farm, so I was alone most of the day. But I had a neighbour that used to bully all the other kids that lived in our sector. He'd steal food and other things from us and threatened to beat us if we ever told anyone that he was doing it. As a five-year-old kid, I did as he said and didn't say anything to my parents. Over the next few years he started doing more than just stealing things from us. He got abusive. He'd swear at us and threaten us, he scared us. He was eight years older than me, and he was a big kid." Bellamy hadn't moved or made a sound. He just sat there and listened.
"This went in for years. When I was eleven things started to change, and I wish I could say the change was good. It was anything but. He started — touching me. He'd drag me into his room and told me to be quiet. He did things to me that no kid should ever have to go through."
I noticed Bellamy's expression change from excitement to disgust and horror. He looked appalled.
"He threatened to kill me if I ever said a word to anyone. One day I noticed he was getting a little to handsy with a little girl I babysat. I'd had enough of it. I ran and found the first guard I could and I stole his gun. The guard ran after me as I ran back and shot the son of a bitch. If Shumway hadn't've grabbed my arm I would have killed him."
Bellamy just sat there in utter shock.
"All those self defence lessons I asked my dad for didn't do much against a 180 pound six foot teenager."
We both sat in dead quiet for a minute and neither of us made eye contact. "I've— I've never told O the full story. I never told anyone actually. Not even my parents."
"I'm so sorry." He breathed softly. He covered his mouth and sighed.
"If you didn't tell O, then why'd you tell me?"
I gently shrugged, "I don't know." I replied. "I guess I felt I could trust you in a way that I just didn't feel I couldn't with her. She's innocent and pure. She doesn't know how evil some people can really be. I'd like to keep her that way if I can."
"Thank you." Bellamy said.
I looked at him, confused.
"For trusting me." He added. "That couldn't have been easy to share."
I smiled gently and place my hand on his knee. I grimaced a smile before I stood up to get a drink. That's when Clarke walked out and stopped beside me.
"Hey." She greeted us. "The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant."
Bellamy stood and glanced out at the crowd of festive teenagers and sarcastically said: "Best Unity Day ever."
Clarke smiled and turned her head out to the crowd "Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party?" She asked us. "I mean, the Grounder is out there."
"Grounders." Bellamy chimes in "By now, he's made it home. He's probably putting together a lynch mob. Relax. I got security covered. Why don't you go get a drink? You look like you could use one."
Clarke rolled her eyes and said: "I could use more than one."
"Then have more than one. Clarke, the Exodus ship carrying your mother comes down here in two days. After that, the party's over. Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it."
She nodded slowly. "Yeah. Okay. So do you by the way. Both of you."
"I'll have my fun when the Grounders come." I replied with a sly smile.
"All right." She marched off into the crowd, leaving me alone with Bellamy again.
"I think I'm going to go and get a drink." I said breaking the tension between us. "You want one?" I asked as I sauntered down the ramp.
"I'm good." He replied. "You go have some fun. You've got seven years of it to catch up on after all."
I smiled at him before I turned back and wandered off into the mix of teen.
I came across a gathering of about 10 standing around watching 2 people arm wrestle. They cheered and heckled at the two in the middle, and erupted into an almighty applause when the boy on the left finally won. The defeated teenager stood and shook his head disappointedly before he sauntered off into the crowd.
A stupid idea suddenly popped into my head.
I walked forward and sat down at the table across from the victor. After a short pause from surprise the surrounding teens jeered with interest.
"You sure you wanna do this?" The boy I recognised as Adrien asked me. He seemed very sure of himself.
"Try me." I replied before I picked up his cup and quickly threw back the remaining moonshine without so much as a twinge in my eye.
The jeering continued as I glared back at Adrien.
I put my elbow on the table holding my open hand out ready. He jutted his head to the side and took my hand.
Harper came over to the table she placed her hand down in the table and said "Ready, set, wrestle!" She slammed her hand down on the table and with a surprising amount of ease I slammed Adrien's arm down on the table.
As quickly as it started, it was over.
There was a few second of dead silence before applause and laughter deafened us. I was almost knocked off the seat I was on when people began roughly patting me on the back and hugging me.
Another cup was shoved into my hand and I quickly swigged it down. Soon more and more people began to challenge me, but some how I beat every one of them.
I had a few more drinks but refused them once my balance got wonky.
I'd decided I'd had enough when I felt my fingers begin to bruise up. I stood up from the table, much to lots of dismayed faces, but I waved them off, needing a break. I turned back around when I heard Harper call out to me and say "You're awesome!" I blindly stumbled into someone before I had the chance to turn back around. I would have fallen if I wasn't caught by my obstruction.
"Easy there." It was Bellamy. I looked up at him and brushed my hair out of my face.
"Hi." I greeted him, my voice a little more high pitched than usual.
"How drunk are you?" He asked curiously.
"Not that drunk." I answered. "I'll walk a straight line to prove it, if you want me to."
"That's good enough for me. You're coming with me." His face was serious and stern.
"What's wrong." I asked, feeling whatever buzz I had suddenly drain away.
"Finn set up a meeting with the grounders, Clarke is going with him, we're going as back up. And find Jasper, we're bringing him too."
"I just saw him a second ago, he was heading over to Raven's tent." I mentioned.
Bellamy placed a a hand in my arm and we mad our way over to Raven's tent.
We pushed our way inside and sure enough Jasper was in there, and so was Raven.
She was sitting at her table, surrounded by bullets.
Bellamy grabbed a gun and handed it to me. "Jasper, you're coming with me." He announced.
"I am?" He replied.
"You handled yourself well in the cave with the Grounder."
"I mean, I hit him in the head." Jasper didn't sound as sure of himself as Bellamy did. His voice sounded strange. A bit slurred.
Bellamy grabbed another gun for himself and a third for Jasper before reaching to grab a few stacked magazines, but Raven grabbed his wrist, stopping him.
"If you're planning on shooting anything, you better think twice. I haven't checked those yet."
"Then give me some bullets that work." Bellamy exclaimed in a hurried tone.
"What do you need them for?" Raven queried.
"Your boyfriend's being an idiot." Was Bellamy's only reply.
Raven placed several magazines into Bellamy's hand and said: "I'm coming with you."
Bellamy didn't make any attempt to stop her, and I wasn't about to either.
I began to check my gun, making sure nothing was jammed and everything would work smoothly.
"We should get Clarke." Jasper chimed in.
Bellamy and I stayed silent, when we saw the look in Raven's face. All I could think was 'awkward'.
"Clarke's with Finn, isn't she?" Raven rhetorically asked.
I didn't have the guts to tackle that hornets nest.
"We should get going." I stated. "Does Finn know we're coming?"
"No." Bellamy said loading his gun, and then passed me two magazines. "We'll follow at a distance. The deal was 'no weapons', I seriously doubt the grounders will hold themselves to that, as well. Let's go." Bellamy and I made our way out of the tent followed by Raven and then Jasper.
"Are you sure Jasper's the best choice at the moment. He's completely pissed." I mentioned to Bellamy in a soft voice. "He couldn't shoot a target if it was in front of his nose."
"Neither could anyone else at camp, at the moment." He replied.
"What if the grounders attack, and he's too drunk to shoot straight?" I asked, really unsupportive of his faith in Jasper.
He turned to me and placed a strong hand on my shoulder. With an assuring smile and a firm but gentle squeeze on my shoulder he said: "That's what you're for."

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