0 1 9. S1 E10 Part 2

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Another sick kid made their way into the dropship, a crowd had begun to gather, almost as if they were waiting for a zombie to walk out of the dropship. I stood at the top of the ramp ushering in sick people. Several hours had passed and I still felt perfectly healthy. Clarke checked on me periodically but hadn't noticed anything wrong with me. Yet.
"Alright, the show's over. Get back to your posts." Bellamy called out to the crowd before he turned back to me. "You got enough food in there? Water?"
"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm sure these guys would appreciate some medicine though," I added.
"I'll see what I can do." He said with a smile. "You doing ok?"
"Yeah," I said with a smile. "Clarke says I'm not symptomatic yet. So here's hoping I don't have it at all. Slim chance of that though." I said softly, recalling Conner spluttering blood all over my face.
"If anyone is tough enough to beat this, it's you." He said hopefully.
I smiled in response. He knew how to make me feel hopeful in times of forlorn. It stirred something inside me, feelings I wasn't entirely sure of yet. But it wasn't exactly a great time to start exploring those emotions.
But then he said something that changed my entire demeanour.
"Octavia, you okay?" He called out, ignorant to the fact that she wasn't here anymore.
When she didn't reply he began moving towards the dropship.
"Bellamy, wait--" I began.
"She's not here." Clarke suddenly said appearing behind me. "I sent her to see Lincoln." Bellamy glared at her with a serious and wrathful peer. "Look. If there's a cure, he has it. I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let her go." Clarke admitted in defence.
"If anything happens to her, you and I are gonna have problems," Bellamy said pointedly to Clarke before he turned on his heels and began to storm away.
"Bellamy... Bellamy!" I tried to call out to him to bring him back.
"Out of my way." He said to a boy standing in his path.
The boy turned around, his eyes were red and blood trailed down his cheeks.
"Dude, your eyes. Nobody touches him!" Someone cried in a panic.
"Get to the dropship. Now." Bellamy told him.
"Hey, are you okay?" Raven asked a girl beside her.
The girl suddenly let out a spray of blood that hit several delinquents. Panic erupted among the crowd,
"Calm down!" Bellamy called in a failed attempt to control the chaos outbreak.
Finn attempted to help Bellamy when a teenager pulled a gun up threatening to shoot. "Put that gun down. Put that gun down. Put it down!"
A loud gunshot from behind me silenced the crowd and we all turned around to see Clarke with a rifle, it was pointed towards the sky, clearly only used as a way to gain everyone's attention. "This is exactly what the Grounders want. Don't you see that?" She explained as she walked down the ramp. "They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first."
"They won't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn dropship!" A delinquent with a gun yelled pointing the rifle at Clarke.
Bellamy dropped the boy to the ground, hitting him in the back of the head then turned to Clarke. "Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn't working."
Clarke began to sway uneasily, and her knees gave way under her. I raced to catch her but Finn beat me to it.
"Finn, don't touch her!" Raven called to him.
"Hey, let me go. I'm okay." Clarke weakly said to him
"No, you're not." He retorted.
"Octavia will come back with a cure." She replied hopefully.
"There is no cure..." Octavia's voice broke through clearly as she ran through the crowd towards us. "But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill."
"Really? Tell that to them." Bellamy said pointing to the gesturing to the few that had already died from it. "I warned you about seeing that Grounder again."
"Yeah? Well, I have a warning for you, too." Octavia informed him before she turned to the crowd and announced loudly for us all to hear. "The Grounders are coming... and they're attacking at first light."
Discord broke out in hushed tones, worry passed around and fear began to spread.
"Come on. I'll help you get Clarke into the dropship." I said to Finn as I ushered them inside.
Unease began to spread through me. We couldn't fight off an army with half the camp sick. We had to stop the attack somehow.
"What do I have to do to stop you from coming in here?" Clarke muttered to Finn.
"Get better." He replied.
"If he's not sick by now, then he's probably immune like me," Octavia explained. She then turned to me and said: "And by the looks of it; you are too."
A wave of relief washed over me, knowing I wasn't going to get sick. But the bad news was that not everyone would be immune.
"Here," Murphy said standing from his makeshift bed. "Come on. She can take mine."
"What else did Lincoln tell you?" I asked curiously, wanting to find out as much as possible to try and beat the virus.
"The virus doesn't last long." She replied.
"It's true. I feel better." Murphy chimed in. Hie did look better, aside from all his injuries and wounds- they still looked bad.
"They need to stay hydrated," Clarke informed us.
"You need to stay hydrated." Finn retorted trying to force her to drink some water.
Begrudgingly she took a few mouthfuls and urged us to help everyone else. "Okay. Them, too. Please?"
"It's okay. I'll do it. Just rest." Octavia said as she went to give the other sick people some water. Murphy got up and followed her.
"I'll help you." He said.
I stood as well, but with a different path in mind. "I'm going to help Bellamy prepare for the Grounder attack," I said.
"You need to save yourselves. Just leave camp. Take anyone healthy enough with you."
"Do you really think with Bellamy - given the option to stay and fight or flee - would get up and abandon this place?" I spoke doubtfully. "I know him better than that. He'll choose to defend this place to the last man."
"Look. At this rate, when the Grounders get here, there won't be anyone left to fight back." Murphy declared.
"That's the point." Octavia declared.
I shrugged with a sigh and proclaimed: "Then we slow them down."

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