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"Hi I'm Yoongi," he says with a gummy smile.

Ajumma Ryeon wasn't lying. He's taller than me and is really pretty with soft doll like lips.

"uhm...your Jimin right?" I snap out shaking my head getting the thoughts out of my head

"yes! yes! I am! Sorry." I blush extending my arm out for a handshake he takes it chuckling. Fucking chuckling.

"come in. Do you need help with anything?" I ask only noticing he only has one suitcase and a box.

"oh no thats okay, all my stuff will be arriving tomorrow." He says and I nod but I take the two boxes he has.

"so care for a little tour?" And he nods.

"well this is the living room and kitchen." I move my arm showing the open floor plan apartment. He walks over to the living room, looking around.

"cool- oh! nice guitar, you play?" He asks turning to me.

"oh! It's not mine its my eom-...its my friends...." Damn that was close.

He nods his understanding.

I walk him down the hall and he follows suite. I show him my room and he gives it a quick glance. I show him the bathroom and he takes a glance into it while walking past it.

I bring him to the end of the hall where his room would be. I show him the empty room and he walks in looking around it and he nods his head. Its a small room so I wouldn't know what his reaction was going to be "I can definitely live like this." He flashes his gummy smile again. what a relief.

"thank you for letting me move in with you, don't worry I keep to myself most of the time."

"its okay." I say shrugging "well ill let you unpack." I say closing the door "thanks again!" He says before I close the door.

Some hours pass and I sit on the couch in the lounge, he comes out giving me a smile.

"well I'm done, you wanna see?" He asks and I nod.

His room was really cool it was mostly dark colours but really nice. Totally different to mine.

This room had grey walls and grey curtains with a couch by the window. There was already a bed ready for him but he got his own bed sheets he had very messily made his bed up. He tried, but I found it quite cute. Some other stuff was set up which looked to be music equipment a computer. Does he do some thing with music.

"its really nice hyung." I smile and he gives one back.

We ordered pizza and ate in the lounge, the tv turned down low.

We had the usual small talk, apparently Yoongi is a producer who's just started to get some good recognition. He has been producing music for a long time and has helped produce songs that are like big hit songs, songs that have made it to the charts.

"So you're working for bighit? That's great. I hope you become successful!" I grin widely my eyes turning into crescents, since I cant fricken see. There's is a tint of pink that dusts his cheeks as he looks down at his lap bashfully oh my fucking god that is adorable.

I gasp "wait do you perhaps know Hoseok? Jung Hoseok?"

"Oh my god that ball of light of course," Yoongi laughs "small world," he comments

There was a silence until "its getting a bit late." He says after lifting his head up. He gets up leaving the couch

"sleep well Hyung ."

He smiles at me "you to Jimine."

I feel my heart jump at that. Now is not a good time to go into little space. I stare at his back as he walks down the corridor.

"daddy..." I whisper to my self with determination.



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