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Its probably those dumb tweeting birds that lul me awake

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Its probably those dumb tweeting birds that lul me awake. I groan as my head feels heavy and dizzy. I feel a throb in my crotch area and I open my eyes seeing a tent in the bedsheets between my legs and I mentally groan. I turn to the culprit who is the cause of my inconvenient situation, who is fast asleep latched to my side his leg thrown over my waist.

I wince at the throbbing pain becoming prominent. I try to wiggle out but to my dismay the blond groans and lifts his head, his hair sticking up in every direction.

"Yoongi?" He rasps

"morning babe...I need to pee." I say trying to wiggle out his grasp.

He pouts.

He drops his gaze, the bulge in the sheets catching his attention he grins laying on my chest

"have I awaken the beast?" He smirks

"It's your fault for being so damn sexy and your ridiculously muscled thighs hugging me." I defend for my self

"well I'm quite flattered." He grins

I scoff an involuntary smile on my face "move lemme go shower."

I go to roll but Jimins actions stops me.

He swings his leg over me as he straddles y crotch. I look into his eyes and he looks at war with him self. His small soft hands placing themselves on my packs, gently stroking down my bare body and I shiver.

Theres a small smile on Jimins face

"my daddy is so hot." He chuckles and I feel my cock twitch

His hands pause by my stomach but descend down he shuffles down bringing the sheet with sitting them by my mid thigh.

He straddles my thigh and hesitates before pulling my black boxer briefs I shudder as the cold air hits my throbbing erection standing proud.

He takes it in his hand giving it small strokes I groan throwing my head back but I'm thrown out of the window when I feel him kitten lick my head. He sucks on my head taking me deeper slowly.

I thread my fingers through his hair giving it a light tug as Jimin does wonders with his tongue and lips does wonders to my shaft.

He tongues the underside of my member and takes me whole. He hollows his cheeks taking me deeper and relaxes his gag reflexes. I feel him swallow and I look down watching as he bobs his head

"ah shit..." I groan. I try not to buck my hips and thrust into his hot mouth as I don't want to scare him.

I feel my head hit the back of his throat and he gags a little his hands grip the base of my cock making it easier for him.

"ah fuck...I'm close Min." He starts to bob his head faster and I grip his hair gently trying to pull him off but he swats my hand away. I arch my back as I shoot my liquid down his throat.

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