⤝ 11 ⤞

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"Yoongi I dont know... what if some thing bad happens??" Jimin paces the isle and Yoongi hums focusing the task at hand.

"mmmmhm..." Yoongi looks up and down the shelves ignoring Jimins frantic pacing.

"are you even listening to me?" Jimin stops abruptly huffing

"mmmmhm..." Yoongi hums blandly Jimin sighs frustrated.

They were currently in the super market buying needed necessities, they were in the cosmetics and baby isle at the super market. Cosmetics like tooth paste toilet rolls on one side and baby items like nappies and baby food on the other side.

"Min don't worry I'm sure Jungkook will be fine."

Yoongi was skimming through the baby side because it caught his attention. He picks up a large size pastel pink pacifier looking at the tiny cute cartoon brown bear on it then chucking it in the trolly.

Jimin noticed this action and tried not to be swayed by the sincere thing the older did. He always loved getting a new dummy he had one at the beginning but Yoongi has bought him more.

He tries to hide the subtle smile, because right now he wants to be angry with the unbothered white haired man.

"Hyung!" Jimin says loudly stomping his foot. Yoongi turns around from the shelves looking at the younger with a raised eyebrow.

He walks over to the younger grabbing his jaw tilting his head up

"is that a tone I hear." He says in a firm voice, dominance radiating off him.

"b-but I'm not in little space." Jimin stutters starting to feel quite hot.

"I don't care, I am In charge in or out of little space," Jimin bits his lip looking at Yoongi his firm dominant aura could have his knees buckling.

He pulls the Youngers plump bottom lip down with his thumb. "now drop that attitude other wise I will spank you right here, right now."

If Jimin said his dick didn't twitch just a bit that would be the fattest lie of the century.

Jimin lets out a raggered sigh and Yoongi smirks knowingly. He lets go of his chin and smiles innocently and walks over to the shopping trolly, smiling brightly like a soccer mom that has just gone to do the shopping after a good work out at the gym.

"whats next on the list?" Jimin shakes his head coming too.

"uhh... fruit." He says looking at the list

"to the fruit we go." Yoongi twirls around with the trolly gliding away. The younger following with a smile.

"Yoongi what are we?" Jimin asks sitting on the bar stool facing the kitchen.

"ehhhhhhh?" Yoongi turns his whole body slowly looking at the younger with confusion, a cabbage in hand while he packs the groceries.

"what are we?" The younger asks again looking up at him with big eyes

"aren't we boyfriends?" Yoongi tilts his head forward.

"we are?" Jimin asks

"well we certainly do act like it. I thought we clarified this the other night? You know with the cheesy "be mine" romantic shit."

Jimin chuckles breaking eye contact "right."

Yoongi sighs walking over to the blonde headed boy kissing his forehead.

"I'm always here Minnie." the blonde groans moving his head out of the olders soft grasp.

"no don't get me into little space. I wanna spend time with you. I have been in little space a lot recently."

"and thats okay! I really like little you!" Yoongi reasons.

"Yoongi you have to like big me too." Jimin says looking up to Yoongi

Yoongi drops his smile putting on a serious face. "you know I do Jimin," he cups his cheeks yet again brushing the fluffy butter blond away from his face. "I like big Jimin just as much as little Jimin." He smiles attacking Jimins face with kisses causing the younger to giggle.

Jimin was so happy, everything has fallen perfectly, he has a care giver and a boyfriend the two in one deal. His friends. Everything is perfect.

"now. dinner." Yoongi walks around the island where Jimin sat, to the stove.

There was a sudden grumble of not to loud thunder, and then sudden rain. Jimin gasps running to the big windows looking at the grey clouds and a strike of sudden lightning.

"woahh! Hyung look!"

He points out side. "yeah I see."

"man I love storms." Jimin says but his smile suddenly drops.

"I hope Jungkook is okay." He says quietly

Truth was Jungkook was not okay



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