⤝ 16 ⤞

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"baby, stop with those depressing sighs."

"yeah but I'm missing you.."

The other on the line sighs "I miss you to Jiminie."

The younger let out another depressing sigh.

Yoongi had to go to Japan which he had mixed feelings about.

"Look Yoongi, there is this producer in Japan that I want you to meet so we will be going there for a week and half okay?" His manager says knocking before walking into the mans studio.

Yoongi stutters swiveling around in his chair "u-uhm...I-I dont know Sejin hyung"

His manager looks at him with a confused look,

"I uhm, I'm just a little worried about my boyfriend, we live together, but I'll talk to him." He says scratching his neck

"okay then, I really want to go through with this Yoongi, this is a great opportunity for you." He says smiling warmly leaving Yoongis studio.

The the guy turned back around in his chair resting his head in his hands.

How is he going to explain this to his boyfriend? Will he be sad? angry? Happy even? He doesn't know what to expect. As much he wants to go and meet this so called 'amazing producer' he doesn't want to leave the small blond boy alone. He's worried to leave him alone, what if he falls and needs some one to kiss his bruis better? What if he burns himself? There is only one way to ease his worry so he packs his stuff and heads back home.

Jimin is not going to be happy


"what!" He shrieks

The older nods

"go Yoongi! You have to! This is a great opportunity for you. This could even be a possible collaboration!" He cups the older cheeks

"are you sure?" Yoongi asked

"yes! Its only a week right?"

"and a half."

"I'll be fine." He chuckles stroking Yoongis cheeks with his thumb to reassure him.

"besides I have lived alone before, I will miss you though but you should do this Yoongs."

The older sighs

"...okay..." he says and places a quick kiss to the others plump lips.

The day for Yoongis departure crawled up to them quickly.

Yoongi was sitting on the couch watching tv late at night. Then a blob of messy blond hair came trudging over holding his Chimmy by his ear as it drags along the floor. A prominent pout on his lips

"mmm." He whines

"come here Minnie." Yoongi says to the little who should be in bed. The little has his arms up asking to be picked up. He picks the little up placing him on his lap.

"whats wrong Minnie?" He whispers

"mm Min don' wan' daddy to go." He says pouting out his lower lip forcing tears to get what he wants.

The older sighs "I know Min, but everything is already planned. Plus this could get Yoonie some money so he can buy his precious boy some more toys and stuffies."

There is little giggle as he tries to hide his blushing cheeks in his neck.

"and maybe daddy will get you a present while he is over there, would you like that baby?" He asks gently

Theres is a small smile from the boy

"okay you have to go so you can get me lots presents."

The other laughs. "okay baby."


"be careful." Jimin says hugging Yoongi around his neck. Yoongi arms gripping his waist tightly.

"I will." he says breaking the hug. Jimin cups his boyfriends cheeks bringing his face down smashing their lips together hard for a heated kiss.

Yoongi catches up with Jimin and wins dominance. Jimin moans against his lips, Yoongi takes this quick opportunity to explore the youngers mouth with his hot muscle. Jimins chubby hands tug the hairs at the back of the others neck. The blond enjoying the reaction he received as the older releases a groan.

The kiss only gets sloppier and messier as the younger tries to practically climb his way on him, Yoongis hand grabs the underside of the thigh. "fuck..." he loves it when the younger becomes bold its a major turn on.

Its a shame they had to break apart but its also good that Yoongis flight is in an hour other wise they would be ripping each others clothes off by now. They break apart catching their breath as they look at each others messed up state. Jimins eyes gaze down his boyfriends face and neck. He goes on his tippy toes as he sticks his lips just by his jugular under his jaw as he sucks harshly sure leaving a love mark that will last for a while.

Yoongi chuckles

"there," Jimin says retracting his lips and bouncing back onto his soles.

"now everyone will know not to mess with you." He says looking at his work.

"possessive are we?" He smirks

"yes." Jimin says with confidence

"shit okay I really have to go." He says and kisses his lips letting it linger.

"be a good boy for daddy." He whispers their lips an inch away.

"baby will." he smiles

Jimin hugs him one more time and sighs sadly Yoongi chuckles "Im not going to war Jimin."

"I know I'll just miss you."

"time will go fast believe me. Go take a nap. I really have to go Jimin."


Yoongi takes his suitcase and pulls it out the door he smiles at him.

"I love you." Jimin sighs to the closed door.



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