⤝ 9 ⤞

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Jimin wakes up to lying on top of someones clothed chest, he gently lifts his head to look at said person but a smile curls onto his lips.

He lays on the older propping his head up with his fist, making his cheek look extra puffy and squishy. He watches Yoongi sleep and he cant help the smile on his face,

Was watching him sleep a little creepy? He thought

Yes - self conscience

Jimin sits up a bit to admire the boys face, his bleached hair falls to the side, his long eyelashes that create a bit of shadow on his skin.

Jimin chuckles silently he's noticed the habit of how the older sleeps with his lips parted. He stares at his doll like pink lips, he wonders how soft they could be and how he has wished for a while now to kiss them.

In the spur of the moment Jimin leans forward and very gently places his lips on the olders cheek bone. He lingers his lips there for a second or two and with that he smiles. He gets up off him and goes to get ready for work.

Little did he know that the white haired male was awake the whole time.

Jimin walks up and down the isles of books checking off the books that are in stock and writing down the books that are limited and need to be ordered more of.

"yo Jimin your needed at the counter!" Jimin perks his head up to the manager many isles away waving.

"kay coming just finishing this row." He says back

Jimin continues to wonder down the row slowly. His eyes moving frantically skimming the books, once he finishes the row he traces the back of his pencil over the books that need to be restocked. Only three need to be restocked for this row.

Jimin scurries over to the counter.

"you're working hard Jimin! Good job!" His manager smiles at him patting his back and Jimin smiles

"thank you Sungmin." his manager smiles at him and walks to the attached cafe in the book shop.

"hi Mina." Jimin says to his coworker next to him.

She's a bit surprised "oh hi Jimin!" She says while placing a book in the stores designed plastic bag and handing it to the customer with a friendly smile.

Jimin smiles at the customer in front of him a cute girl with brown short hair and black rimmed glasses. She blushes and places the two books on the counter. Jimin picks up the books reading the title, its the second book. All the books this author has made they are all related, but each book is about the side characters, they get their own story. He scans them.

"you have good taste." He says and she lets out a little laugh


"after the first book I had to read the second one because they were so good and they made such a cute couple so I had to read their story and see how it all started." She says

"well coming book three I think you'll be a little surprised," Jimin says typing in the issued book number and name so the purchase would be recorded. "I'm still currently reading it I'm only on chapter 4 but its gets good." He finishes

"really? I have heard a little about book three. But who could it be?" She asks getting excited.

Jimin quirks an eyebrow and with a smirk silently telling her

Her eyes widen "nooo! It cant be Jaehun?! Is it Jaehun? But I thought there wasn't much to go on with Jaehun I mean he's an amazing and brilliant character. Ohh I'm so excited now."

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