⤝ 7 ⤞

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H—Hyung..." Jungkook sobs into the phone.

Jimin stops in his tracks, "Jungkook whats wrong?!" He says into the phone Yoongi quirks an eyebrow getting concerned.

"h—he found out." His voice cracks half way through the sentence.

"who? Who found out?!" Jimin practically yelled into the phone ready to kill any thing that has upset Jungkook.

"Te—Taehyung." And Jimin pauses

"...who the fuck is Taehyung?" Who ever he was he was about ready to kill him.

Yoongi turns his head at the name his eyebrows risen.

"My roommate, Taehyung... he—he found out and..." theres another sob that breaks through and Jimins heart crumbles.

"Kook, where are you?" Jimin answers. Yoongi stressfully stands next to Jimin about to die from worry for his best friend on the other line.

"I'm at Jinnie." He lets out a shattered breath.

"Jins?" Yoongi is quick to get into the car start it up ready to go right away.

Jungkook hums approval.

"okay we're coming now." He hangs up and rushes to his side getting in.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asks shifting into reverse to pull out of the parking lot.

"Jungkooks roommate Taeyon or I don't know, found out that hes a little." Jimin says

"Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?" Yoongi asks glancing at him shocked.

"you know the guy?" He asks, his eyes widening slightly.

"yeah we were best friends, we went to college together back in Daegu." Jimin nods his head.

"That sounds so unlike him," Yoongi clicks his cheek, a worried frown present on his face.

"I honestly thought he would be more accepting then me. He loves kids" and Jimin shrugs his shoulders not saying anything because he doesn't know the guy, other than the things Jungkook has told him.

Apparently he was really fun and kind, but he remembers Jungkook saying he would sometimes get a little scared. Taehyung, apparently was serious and dedicated to his work.

They pull up to Seokjin and Namjoons place hopping out, they ring the door.

They are let in immediately and walk into the living room to see the four of them, Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok.

Hoseok said a quit hello, the two walk over and see Jin and Namjoon crouching down to Jungkooks height where he sat on the couch, furiously rubbing his already swollen red eyes.

They go over and sit next to Jungkook, Jimin takes his hand and wraps his arm around his friend pulling him into his side.

Jungkook and Jimin have been friends for the longest out of their group. They hold a special strong bond that can never be broken.

"what happened kookie." Jungkook sniffs and lets out a shuddered breath, not really wanting to remember.

This is a horrible thing to happen to a little, Jungkook was starting to feel relaxed around Taehyung but he still wouldn't dare mention that he is a little.
He would have avoided the subject as much as possible. Being judged by some one you feel close to is a horrible thing that could happen, it shatters them. And no precious soul like Jungkook deserves that.

-earlier that day-

"yo kook. I'm heading to work, todays gonna be so long ugh I'll be back late." Taehyung says flashing a smile before leaving out the door.

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