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Its probably around 6 when theres a knocking at the door

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Its probably around 6 when theres a knocking at the door... who the hell comes at 6 pm. I groan and open the door my eyes widen just a fraction.

"oh! Hey Taehyung-ah."

"hi Yoongi-Hyung." Taehyung stands there awkwardly.

I had no problem with him coming over, it was a nice surprise.

My anger towards him has subsided a bit I am still a little bit disappointed though.

"well come in!" I usher him in and he stammers a bit. I walk into the kitchen pulling out two mugs.

"hot chocolate?" I ask looking up at him from the kitchen, a small smile carves onto his handsome features.

"please." I prep the hot drinks and he continues to float around the entrance.

"so hows work? Has your boss been giving you crap like always?" I ask pouring in the hot milk.

You see there is a strategy for making hot chocolate. You have to do it the other way around. You have to put in the powder mix, add the milk, then you mix it quite well. Only then do you add the boiling water and voilá, foam. Try it believe me.

"no he has been a bit laid back. I have been drowning my self in work though." He says. I take the cups moving to the dinning table. We sit down and I push the mug to him "thank you."

"but I think its good, but just don't over work yourself Tae. Your gonna get sick." He just nods.

"how are things with your roommate? Uhhh...Jimin?" He asks and my heart thumps hearing his name. Jimin and I have had amazing days together. Big space and little space. Jimin and Minnie.

"things are really great, after finding out he is a little-"

Taehyung interrupts me. "wait he is a little too? L-Like Jungkook?" I nod smiling.

"they'er best friends actually." Taehyung hums bringing his knees up "small world." He says

"so yeah, I also had no idea what little space was and its honestly the greatest thing, not only does it destress Jimin but me as well. I didn't find out how you found out. Jimin told me, I mean yeah I was a little shocked but I processed it all. But I understand you Tae. I probably too would have freaked out if I found out that way--but now its very different....it really is wonderful Taehyung." Taehyung doesn't say anything.

I can see right through him though. I know he feels bad. I know if he just wraps his head around I think he will really enjoy little Jungkook. He is very different from Jimin. But they are almost the same in big space, they swear and insult each other and they be loud together get in trouble with Jin together. A smile plays on my face

"uh Hyung? You have been staring at me for quite awhile now-"

"you will like little Jungkook." I say ignoring him.

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