⤝ 8 ⤞

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Life was alright to say, Jimin had a nice caring caregiver who he loved dearly. The more and more times they spent together the more their feelings deepened.

Yoongis mixtape has been coming along smoothly, he still has about 4 more songs to produce as well as a little surprise for Jimin.

He's also gotten some good feed back from his other producers related to the mixtape and they are convinced that he will do great.

Jimin is still working at the flower shop and book store along with Jungkook. He loves his job more and more, he hopes to be the store manager sometime, but other than that Jimin still doesn't know what he wants to do with his life yet.

Jimin is a lot more comfortable being in little space when Yoongi is around. He's been visiting Jungkook a lot and spending time together when Taehyung isn't there.

Hoseok has been practicing a lot, he's a choreographer for a few groups and he's been practicing very hard, trying to come up with new choreography for them. So he often gets a visit from Yoongi once every week since they are under the same company.

The Namjin couple have been a little stressed planning a wedding thats 5 months away. So they are usually seen at a table with many layouts and planners. Picking out which table set is better, which utensils suit the best. This often gets Namjoon a scolding for his "destructive hands" disorganising everything. But at the end of a day the couple end up cuddling on the couch watching a good movie together.

Jin has been making sure that the restaurant he manages is all in check while he takes a break. Namjoon when ever he gets an opening to substitute for his favourite phycology class as he is a part time professor at a collage a few blocks away.

Taehyung has been drowning him self with work, he has come up with plenty of ideas for his designs so hopefully his boss will approve and like them.

He spends most of his time at his little studio at work, drawing up templets and buying fabrics here and there. His latest idea he has been working on is taking denim jackets and having some sort of paint design on the back.

This results in him not being at the apartment much since he just feels he should be out of the way

So he spends his time at his work leaving late morning and coming home late. He's been feeling a mix of emotions really, to say..his mind has just been clouded a bit.

Jungkook is doing better, but his depression has got to him on some days. Things at his part time job by the book store has been okay but on the bright side he has gotten an increase of commissions of people asking for his photography.

He almost never goes into little space anymore as he is petrified to do so, even if he locks him self in his room, he is just to scared so he either goes to Yoongi and Jimin or Jin and Namjoon once a week to have a day of little space. He has never had hatred for Taehyung, he understands his misinterpretation he's just a little sad.

Since Yoongi has become Jimins caregiver, Jimin was so excited to discuss rules for when he's in little space. So a week ago they talked about the bits and bobs regarding Jimin to little space. But Jimins confidence wavered when they actually sat down to talk.

"uhh so Hyung..." Jimin sits on the opposite side of the table, a piece of paper in front of him and a pen flicking in his hand.

"yep... lets do this." Yoongi says feeling a tad excited himself.

Jimin hums his small hand fisted against his lips as he thinks, his hand still flicking around the pen.

"always listen to Hyung..." Yoongi says taking the lead and Jimin nods writing it down in his almost neat hand writing.

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