⤝ 3 ⤞

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I wake up wincing at the bright morning light, half of the duvet on the floor, I stretch letting out a groan. I roll to the other side and grab my phone. I check my social media but Im distracted by something else. I quit the application im on and go t google- I tap the search bar and type

'Suga producer'

Some irrelevant articles come up so I scroll down finding one or two articles on him.

I tap on images, most of the images were other Korean idols and other producers, but there weren't a lot of pictures of Yoongi. I tap on one which look like its taken by a paparazzi, and some others at an award show.

 I tap on one which look like its taken by a paparazzi, and some others at an award show

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I look at his whole pretty face, cute eyes and delicate doll lips

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I look at his whole pretty face, cute eyes and delicate doll lips. I just can't get over how beautiful he is, and his delicate features.

I tap on another image. This one. I love this one.

As I do a little more stalking a message bar pops down at the top of my phone-its from Yoongi

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As I do a little more stalking a message bar pops down at the top of my phone-its from Yoongi.

went to work will be back late

He works on a Sunday? Damn.

I giggle at his profile picture.


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I lean back falling on my bed. A whole day of little space.

3rd person ( writing a little in 1st person is fcking hard im sorry )

The little skips over to his wardrobe and grabs his favourite dinosaur green onesie and hops into it.
He skips his way to the kitchen grabbing some pomegranate rubies and a plastic take out spoon. He had to hide his 3 kiddie spoons. His blue dinosaur one, and his tan one with little peaches over it and his yellow one with little chicks on it.

"what can I sayyy except your welcome! Your welcome!" He sings to himself waddling over to the lounge and sits on the couch.

He turns on the tv and puts on anpanman. He sways happily to the theme song. His phone lights up showing a message

Hey im coming over be there in 2🤪

Jimin vibrates with excitement knowing his best friend is coming over. Maybe they can even have a play date.

Soon theres a eager knocking at the door. "Hey chim im here, open the door you lazy ass!"

He hears his friend and jumps up and down running to the door swinging it open.

"hey kookie!" He giggles. Jimins little aura immediately clicks Jungkook into little space.

"shh Jiminie we have to be quiet, okay?" The little scolds the other and Jimin just giggles.

"wanna watch curious George with me?" Jungkook nods vigorously

They make their way to the couch and bury themselves with pillows and blankets. Jungkook snuggles into jimins side with his head peaking from the blanket while watching the movie.

They sigh along to all the songs together and end it with a giggling fit.

There is then a loud banging at the door which scares the littles and stops their giggles.
Jungkooks lip is already trembling.
What if its one off Jimins neighbours who are complaining.

"Park Jiminieee!" Theres a forced deep stern voice from the other side of the door.

"prepare to get cuddles!" The familiar voice says.

The two littles fears vanish as big smiles grow on there faces. They run to the door swinging it open with force making the the person on the other side jump from the fright

"Eomma!!" They cheer

Seokjin engulfs the two littles in a big hug which causes him to fall on his butt with an 'ouf'.

"Aww, how are my two babies? I didn't know you were here kookie" he ruffles the raven haired boy which cause him to giggle. "wan' playdate with Jiminie." He mumbles

"Uhh ohh, we all know how that ends up don't we." Jin turns to Jimin with a cocked eyebrow "cause we all know Jiminie is naughty hey?" Jin immediately attacks Jimins face with kisses and the little giggles guilty.

"So, what you two wanna do, I came to visit." He turns to the other little placing a kiss to his forehead.

They head to the living room and Jin goes to Jimins room and gets some of his colouring books knowing exactly where they are and all his crayons and khokis for the two littles to distract themselves with so Jin can do some work on his laptop he bought with him.

He switchs to a kids channel and plays some cartoons for them.

The two little colours their pictures until Jimin gasps dramatically. "k-kookie! Jinnie did Jiminie tell you that I got a roomie? He's really nice."

"is that so? well Im happy, he isn't a meanie is he? Does he know little Jiminie?"

A pout forms on his plump lips "no..I wan'- wan' him to be my daddy." He says

Jungkook watches jimin with wide eyes and turns to Jin "I wan a daddy too!" Jungkook chimes in, copying his Hyung.

"aww babas...how about some lunch? Mac n cheese?" The two littles nod following Jin into the kitchen.


( I just went and made Mac and cheese after writing this omg )

( I just went and made Mac and cheese after writing this omg )

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