⤝ 21 ⤞

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"so we have meat, veg, beer what else do we need?" Yoongi says looking at the items in the trolly.

"oh I need my body soap!" Jimin jumps on his heels


Jimin just got his hair dyed and they needed to do the grocery shopping so while they were at the mall they did the food shopping. Jimin dyed his hair to a nice icy blue, at the roots its black from where his bleached hair grew out. The black faded to silver to the blue and Yoongi still has his dirty blonde.

"okay we have to be quick other wise we are gonna be late." Yoongi says checking the time on his phone.

The pair were going over to Taehyung and Jungkooks place coz there place has the best view of the city and the city has organised a firework display which is cool, so they have been tasked with shopping for the food.

Jimin groans


"they don't have my body soap, the one in the bottle."

"which one is it again?"

"you know the baby wash the one with pomegranate and vanilla?"

"ohh...no I don't see it here min." Yoongi says "why don't you get a different one?"

"I cant! thats the one I always get!" Jimin argues

"Jimin, just get another one." Yoongi sighs walking to the trolly expecting the younger to follow.

"but," Jimin says getting frustrated and bounces on his heels "I always use that one." He says gripping the hem of his white sweater.

"Jimin," Yoongi says "but Yoonie!" Jimin whines, Yoongi watches him as he starts to regress into little space in the middle of the isle, just a good thing no one else is around them.

"Are you really going to have a temper tantrum in the middle of the shops Minnie." The little huffs frustrated, he is suddenly uncomfortable realising the situation he has put himself in. He has never been in little space before in public only in the safe haven of his home or close friends.

He whimpers "Y—Yoonie?"

The said man sighs neglecting the trolly.

"how about this one? Vanilla and almond coco butter? Yeah?"

"oh—okay." He shakes "Ya—Yoonie?"

"yes sweetheart?" Yoongi whispers softly

"s—scared." he whimpers his bottom lip quivering

"Come take my hand stay close okay we are almost finished." The man whispers and the younger scurries over taking his hand both of his. He sticks to his hip trying to hide from all the big scary strangers.

It was when they were in queue, the queue with all the sweets, they were lucky since it was new years eve that not a lot of people were here there was only about 5 or 6 people in the queue and they were at the end.

"but I want it!" The little whispers

"no Jimin." Yoongi says in a no—nonsense tone.

Jimin huffs and crosses his arms because he isn't getting what he wants and he is willing to do anything.

"daddies a meanie butthead." Jimin says playing up a pout thinking that the older will coo and give him the Oreo chocolate he wants.

But to no avail, his plan did not work and he knows the older cant touch him because they are in public and he cant punish him at home because they have a place to go and people to see.

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