⤝ 17 ⤞

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"so yeah, the book store has been a bit busy since its Christmas soon, I've been seeing that girl that I told you about?" Jimin says into the phone while he lays on his stomach

"oh yeah? whats her name again?"

"Jun, she is really sweet and cute. We read the same books."

"hmm... she isn't going to steal you from me is she?" Jimin giggles

"No! She just celebrated her one year anniversary with her boy friend."


"besides I'm only interested in your dick Yoongi."

Yoongi laughs aloud at this "wow, just my dick?"

The younger could hear his smirk on the other line.

"and of course the whole package." He says cheekily

"...I will fly over there and spank you." Yoongi playfully says as he lays on his bed resting against the head board his phone on his stomach.

Yoongi burries his face in the sheets finding the threat a little to appealing.

"but how things that side?" Jimin says turning to lay on his side his hand supporting his head as he scratches his nose.

"yeah things are good uhm, I met this one girl," the corner of Jimins mouth twitches


"yeah she is a producer her names Adora she's going to help me on that one track? Your favourite one?"

"h-how old is she?" Jimin asks

It was quiet on the line before Yoongi chuckles "don't worry Jiminie she's in her mid thirties and she is married."

"mmkay." Jimin doesn't push further since he wants to trust his boyfriend, he does trust his boyfriend.

"I'll be home soon. Its only been 5 days."

"yeah and I'm missing you like crazy." He says casually

"Im missing you too."

"I miss your hugs...your kisses...your smile." Jimin cringes at the corny words coming out of his mouth so he stops himself.

"I miss my daddy." He says coyly

"your gonna make me hard." Yoongi warns

"I miss your milkies daddy." He says cheekily

"Im going to hang up on you Park Jimin! I have a dinner meeting in 10 minuets and I want to look presentable, not- I just had phone sex with my boyfriend, kinda look." He says not being able to stop the silly smile on his face.

Jimin giggles

"and you have only had my dick in your mouth once so." Yoongi corrects holding up his pointer finger even though the younger cant see him.

"yeah and I miss it.

Yoongi huffs a laugh.

"maybe when I get home I will treat you."

"mm I'm holding you down to that." Jimin says

"Okay I really have to go Min."

They say their good byes and Jimin jumps off his bed going to the kitchen.

He looks in the fridge not much, he looks in the cupboards nothing much either. His expectations and standards lower, he looks in the fridge and the cupboard again, nothing. Its as if he thinks food will magically just
--poof-- be there out of the thin air.

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