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The is older crouched slightly in eye level with the blonde

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The is older crouched slightly in eye level with the blonde.

"one more time." He says

The latter huffs lightly "I will be a good boy, no eating sweeties, I will stay away from the yummy cupboard, and in bed by 9 if Yoonie isn't back already...and no making mess." Yoongi grins

"good boy." He kisses his forehead and the little preens at the praise.

Yoongi had to go into work today, he just had to. He wanted to get started on those two songs and his boss doesn't like the fact that he is working from home, thinking he is 'slacking off' and not putting enough effort in-but Yoongi does always put effort into the songs he produces.

"right Minnie, I'm gonna go. Your dinner is in the fridge okay? Yoonie will be back as quick as he can, ok?" Yoongi heads for the door

"bye bye daddy!" Jimin bounces on his heels

"bye baby, be good." He says through the gap and he closes the door locking it.

After waiting a minute or two Jimin skips to the kitchen, he opens the fridge looking at his dinner for tonight. Yoongi made sure to feed him brunch before he left.

Crumbed chicken strips and fruit was what he was having.

Jimin did his usual little space activities, he even went for his daily nap at 12.

He woke up at around 2:00pm feeling a little peckish. He decided to have the tub of fruit while he sat and watched Phinese and Ferb.

"peeerryyyy! perry the plaaatypuuuuuus!" He sang along.

Its when it hits around 6 or 7 and theres a jingling of keys Jimin jumps up, wicked plan coming to mind.

So he decides to hide in the corner behind the door, the front door opens and Jimin sucks in his breath so he isn't squished by the opening door.

"Jimin?" The little giggles quietly.

"Jimin?!" His caregiver shouts panic in his voice, Yoongi walks into the apartment looking around. Before he goes anywhere out of sight.

Jimin jumps out his hands up making his fingers look like claws

"boo!" Jimin says and the white haired man spins arounds a frown suddenly present on his brows.

The little giggles "got you Yoonie!" He giggles

"Jimin." The older storms over to him pulling him into a tight hug. "dont ever. Do that...you almost scared me Minnie." He says sighing

"mm sorry daddy." He mumbles agains his hard chest realizing his mistake.

"its fine baby just don't do that again okay? I though something happened to you!"


The older releases one last sigh before breaking the hug and taking Jimins little hand.

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