⤝ 18 ⤞

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The night went in a flash, it was one of the best nights of their lives the both of them. They made love, went to sleep and awoke again at 1 am. So here they stood in the kitchen at 1 am making toast.

The older stared at the boy his back leaning against the counter. He looks at his neck and his eyes trail down following the littler of hickies scattered his chest and stomach before disappearing behind his boxer briefs.

"your so beautiful." He said staring at the blonde

The blonde locks eyes to his while he chews on his piece of toast with a blanket of apricot jam on it.

He did look beautiful, sated and happy. His love bites from a few hours ago ranging from pink to reds to purples. His hair was a mess but that just made him look even more sexy. There was a slight tint of pink dusting his cheeks.

He smiles "you don't look to bad your self," He says "I told you the dirty blonde would suit you."

"your right I do like it, its difficult taking care of white hair." He takes a strand between his fingers "are you going to change your colour?" Yoongi questions

"I want to I'm maybe thinking of a hot pink."

Jimin chuckles "when you met me it was a butter blonde now its turned into an olive natural blonde colour. Ill see."

"mm now can we get back to sleep." He says taking the others small hands in his big ones.

"mmm I don't know. I have all of this pent up energy now from that snack." The blonde says his hand on the taller ones bare chest trailing down.

"oh is that so." He says quirking an eye brow. The younger bites his lip leaning into the olders chest. The other slowly wraps his arms around him angling his head to place kisses along the blonds neck. The boys small hand finds its way to the others clasping it in his hand and dragging him back to the bedroom.

So yes the night was a great one, love making and standing in your boxers at 1am eating toast. Thank god the brunette had a couple days break and the younger had to go in to the store on monday. It did surprise him seeing his boyfriend pitch up two days earlier with dirty blond hair that he recommended for him but nonetheless he was happy very happy. Both of them were happy.

Jimin awakens on his back his eyes slowly opening, he is naked in Yoongis bed just how things where left. He turns to his right seeing who he wanted to see, his head is relaxed on a pillow his delicate thin lips, freshly dyed hair, long eyelashes and a beautiful face in general.

He started to wake up more blinking the sleep away. The older started to stir next to him waking up himself. Jimin gets up on his elbows and tries to sit up but hisses.

He groans laying back down with a sigh. "yeah nope I don't think I'll be moving for the next couple hours" he chuckles thinking back to how rough the older went second round but at the end it was all totally worth it.

Yoongi chuckles "sorry babe." He says kissing his cheek.

He sits up throwing his legs over the edge finding a fresh pair of boxers.

Pulling them up he stands on his feet turning his back.

"holy shit!" Jimin says in a chuckle

"exactly." Yoongi says turning to the mirror to look at the many red tracks running down his back from the Youngers nails.

He chuckles going to the bathroom. He lets the bath run with nice hot water. He heads back swooping the blond in his arms

"wha— hey!" he pouts

"oh shut up you love it." He grins and the younger blushes knowing its true. He gently places him in the bath. He chucks in a bath bomb before dipping in himself. He sits himself behind the blond.

Jimin sits between Yoongis legs holding the blue bath bomb in his hands as he watches it dissolve. Turing the hot water a nice milky pastel blue.

"want to go out for breakfast?" The brunette asks

The younger makes a sound of confirmation nodding his head.

After 20 minutes of relaxing and cleaning, the warmth helped with Jimins aching hips and Yoongis scratched back.

They arrived at the cafe it was secluded and there were only a few people there it was drizzly so they dressed warmly, winter has been crawling closer. They sat down on stools that looked out to the street. They received their breakfast, Jimin having eggs and benedict on ciabatta while Yoongi had simple flapjacks with a walnut glaze and fresh cream.

Before starting Jimin pulled out his phone holding it up. He made the peace sign while Yoongi pulled a playful bored expression. Jimin giggled at his face posting the picture some where on social media.

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