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Hours later, Ginny and Ron had already gone to bed, leaving me with the twins. Eventually, I told them I was going to bed, too. And I did, putting on my pajamas and snuggling into the warm blanket I had been using, and burrying my face into a pillow. I fell asleep, worn out from the day I had had.


Walking through darkness. That's all there was. Darkness. And I was walking through it. As if somebody had just flicked on a light switch, sunlight burst out over the seemingly empty canvas of a place I was in.

Trees. Lots and lots of trees. I was in the middle of the woods. I noticed the sky. Not a cloud was seen, and it seemed to glow with the radiant colour it had. The sky went from its original pale blue to a very dark and eerie grey. I felt a drop. Then another. Followed by dozens more as the new clouds broke open, spilling over everything in sight.

I began to pick up pace with my walking. It turned to a speed walk. And then picked up to a jog. And then a run. Now a full on sprint. My heart was racing. Not just from running, but from a fear. A fear that was growing, growing, growing. Fear of what? Fear of storms? Of trees? Of the grey in the sky? What was I afraid of? More importantly, why was I running? Was I running from something? Someone? Nothing made sense.

I stopped so abruptly, I didn't even know I was going to. It was like hitting a wall, and suddenly being closed in on all sides. A sensation of being crushed. "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!"

"Who are you? What do you want? Where are you? Show yourself!" I yelled back to the unidentifiable person.

"Who am I? Who am I? You dare ask me my name?!? I thought you would know after all this time! I am the most powerful wizard in the world!, That's who I am!" They returned.

A figure emerged from the woods. I looked at them, seeing only a black cloak draped over their face, making it impossible to see their face. I looked to the sky as the person pointed their wand to it. A green spark bolted through every inch of the clouds, then a large green skull with a snake emerging from its mouth appeared in the sky, the rain around it stopping. All the rain stopped. It froze in midair, everything but my head and the other person being able to move.

I looked back at the cloaked figure and they lowered their wand once more. They took off the hood, revealing their glowing red eyes and pale face. No hair, with a nose similar to that of a snake, just two slits where a normal nose should be, and veins being visible through the paper thin skin. I knew who it was right away.

"You're him? He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? It's you?" I asked.

"Say my name." He requested. "Say it. SAY MY NAME!"

"Voldemort." I said to his satisfaction.

He raised his wand and pointed it at me. "All you are and all you'll ever be until you hit the floor dead is a filthy MUDBLOOD! You're going to get that Weasley boy killed, MUDBLOOD! AVADA KEDAVRA!!!"

A flash of green rushes towards me and a scream of fear escapes my lips, echoing through the air as I fell to the floor, dead.


I sat up quickly, beads of sweat running down my face from my temples. I wiped them away and stood up, sliding into my slippers and pulling on my robe. I opened the door of Ginny's bedroom and snuck out, quietly pulling it shut behind me. I tilted down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. I sat down and took a sip.

I remembered the last thing Voldemort had said in the dream, "You're going to get that Weasley boy killed, Mudblood." Was it true? Was I going to get Fred killed? No. There's no way. Its impossible, Voldemort can't come back, not with Dumbledore around. After all, it was just a dream. I set the glass down and sighed. I wasn't going to get any decent sleep tonight.

"Can't sleep?" I turned around to find a messy-haired twin looking at me. He sat down next to me and looked to me for an answer.

"Hey Georgie. No, just a bad dream," I said. "That's all."

"Hey, can I ask you something? Its kinda weird..." He looked off to the side for a second, then pulled his eyes back to me.

"Yeah, sure. Ask away. I don't mind weird," I replied, leaning back, preparing for whatever 'weird' question George was ready to ask.

"You really love my brother, don't you?"

I processed the question for a moment, digesting every word and letting it sink in. I didn't look him in the eye when I answered, mostly because I was thinking, but also, he was right about it being kind of weird. "I think that love is a strong word, and under no other circumstances would I use it unless I really thought it was forever, but yes. I do love Fred, and, lord knows if I could ever get the guts to tell him this, but I have liked him for so long that when he kissed me, it felt like flying. It felt like a dream, almost. Like it weren't real at first or towards the end, but the middle was a complete reality. And knowing that he's mine now, it gives me something to look forward to at the end of the day. Just knowing he'll be there. Even before, just as friends, I still looked forward to having him - and you too, obviously - to be there to make me happy. Every. Single. Day. And I really love him, George. I do."

"Funny, I said the same thing," I spun around to see Fred standing at the bottom of the stairs, smiling. I felt my face turn a dark shade of red, realizing he had just heard me poor out everything I felt about him to George. "Oh, come over here, you tomato." I stood up and walked over to Fred, him pulling me into a warm hug. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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