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In the months following, my search for Harry, Ron and Hermione has been restless and unsuccessful. I had dearly missed Fred, crying almost every night, regretting not saying goodbye. But by the time I had realized that I needed him, I had been gone long enough to be presumed dead. And when the news spread of Harry's return to Hogwarts, I was astonished. I can go home!

I disapperated to the Burrow, running inside as fast as possible. "Fred! George! Molly!" I yelled throughout the house. I ran through all of the downstairs, then ran upstairs to the twins' room. "Fred? George?" I checked the entire house, finding no one. "Anyone?" I ran back downstairs and out the door, disapperating once more to the bridge leading to the school grounds, since you can't disapperate on school grounds. I found that the castle was torn to pieces, fires burning in several spots. I ran inside, passing students and teachers wandering around everywhere, calling out for Fred.

He had to be here! He had to! I ran inside, searching for anyone that could help me find him. I found Hermione sitting on the stairs with Ron, crying. "Hermione! Have you seen Fred anywhere?" She shook her head no.

"I'm sure he's up by the astronomy tower," Ron croaked. Neither of them looked well.

I took Ron's advice and ran up the millions of steps to the astronomy tower. And he was right. Ronald Weasley was damn right. Fred and George were watching the barrier around Hogwarts come down around them. "You okay Freddie?" George asked his twin.

"Yeah," Fred replied, looking to the sky.

George turned to face his brother. "Me too," Georfge nudged Fred with his elbow.

Fred looked at George now. "Do you think she's okay out there? Elizabeth, I mean?"

"Only one way to find out," I chimed in, catching them both by surprise. Fred's eyes lit up immediately. "Hey Freddie. Hey Georgie."

They both ran up to me and wrapped me in a tight hug. George was the first to let go, leaving Fred to hold me and cry the tears he had probably held in for the last three months. He swayed from side to side, as did I. He had been holding me tighter than I was holding him, and he was much warmer than I last remember.

At last, he let go, a smile plastered to his face. I had missed that smile. "Miss me?"

"Miss you? I thought you were dead, Ellie," Fred said honestly. "These past three months have been horrible without you. Why didn't you say goodbye?"

"It was too hard to say it to your face," I replied. "Even saying goodbye to George was hard for me."

"It was hard for me too, Liz," George chimed in. He smiled sadly.

"But there is another reason it was hard to say goodbye...." I trailed off. I didn't know if I could them. I mean, they'd learn at some point, would they not?

"Why? What is it?" Fred asked. I looked to the floor, my arms crossed over my chest. I sighed and looked into his chocolatey brown eyes. They were comforting, making this so much easier to say.

"Freddie....." I said. I smiled, hoping he would be happy to hear this. "I'm pregnant."

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