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As everyone left for Hogsmead, I stayed behind. No matter how much I wanted to be alone, I still craved the comfort of a friend. No one was there for, though. The only two people who had even considered how I feel were against me. They believed everyone else over their own best friend. Probably ex-best friend now. And now I wait here. Wait for everything to either fix itself or my heart to stop. I knew I couldn't live without those twins. Since the day we met, I knew that we would be either together for life or dead without even one of us. I suppose I was wrong.

I heard footsteps grow closer to me as I sat in the empty common room. Whoever it was sat down on the floor next to me. "He didn't mean it, Liz. He was just.... upset, I guess. He should have asked if it was true first. Spoken to you before anyone else," George said.

"He hates me, Georgie." I didn't look at him. I couldn't. He looked too much like Fred. "He doesn't want to hear the truth. He believes everyone else because he hates me."

George pulled me to his chest and kissed the top of my head. Then he rested him chin there. "No. No no no, Fred doesn't hate you. Not even close. He just wasn't sure about anything. Fred does not hate you, I promise you that. He loves you, Liz. More than you know. He's just never been the best at showing it. He doesn't hate you."

"How would you know? You aren't him."

"Because, Liz, I've known Fred longer than you have. I know my brother better than anyone else in the world. If I can see one thing, it's that he can never hate you. He loves you too much."

I let go of George and pulled away from his hug, turning to face the fireplace. "Fred can't love me."

"What are you talking about, Liz?" George asked.

"I said that Fred can't love me. He can't love anyone. He doesn't have a heart to love with."

"That is the most untruthful thing you have ever said," George said. "Fred has the biggest heart out of everyone I know. He is passionate about what he does and he could love anyone with his whole heart."

"But not me, George," I turned to face him. "Fred can't love me. It doesn't work like that. The person I have helplessly fallen in love with can't possibly love me back."

Silence fell. It sat for a moment, holding us in place. George broke free of the silent restraint and stood up, offering me a hand. I hesitated, glancing to the floor beside me before looking back to his hand. At last, I took it, George helping me to my feet. He placed his hand in my mid back, the other holding my hand around neck level. He swayed us side to side for a moment, as if it were a dance. That's exactly what it was. I placed my other hand on his shoulder, giving in the the movement. He took his hand off my back and allowed me to spin. We found our original position and continued dancing. It was nice to have a friend like George. He knew how to make me smile.

"There we go," George said as he stopped dancing and let go of me. "See, you're smiling. This, all of this, between you and Fred is going to figure itself out eventually. I promise, Liz. You two are going to realize that you need each other. Just give it time."

"And what do we do until then?" I asked him.

"You talk to my brother, that's what."

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