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"What the bloody hell were you thinkin'?" Fred asked as he held onto my shoulders, not even giving me the chance to see where we were. "If George hadn't found you-! If-! You could've got'n killed!"

"Are you mad, Liz?!" George chimed in. "You would have died in there if we hadn't-!"

"You would 'ave died, too, George! So would your mum! And Bill! If I hadn't gone in there, three Weasleys would be lying dead right now! 'N I would be the one responsible! Now who's the one gone mad?" I shouted back, stepping away from Fred's reach.

"You are!" Fred yelled. "If I had lost you, I dunno what I would've done! And now you're tellin' me that you'd've rather died than others-! Even if it was George 'n Bill 'n Mum!"

"Gladly! I'd be more than happy to die for someone else than live with the guilt of not bein' able to save 'em!" Fred took a step back, hurt and distraught. Neither of the twins said anything. I didn't take my eyes off Fred, watching his emotions flip like a switch, going from fuming to emotionally hurt in seconds. I felt myself cool down as a breeze blew past us from my right, blowing strands of my curly red hair in my face. I didn't bother to brush them away, all I could do was look away, unable to hold my eyes on Fred any longer.

I looked around with only my eyes, finding that we were in the middle of a giant field, one that I had recognized as the area that we had dedicated as our at-home Quidditch pitch so long ago. I remembered the snow ball fight that we had had here, and remembering all the fun we'd had doing so. And when the twins tested out their new brooms, that very same day. It seemed as if it had been forever since I had been here last. But why would Fred choose here of all places to go? What significance did it have?

"How do you think we would feel if we lost you, back there, El?" Fred asked in a soft voice. I looked back at him, feeling more sad than ever. "I don't think that I would be able to go on without you, and it hurt me to hear that you would rather die than lose three of us."

"I mean, yeah it would suck for me, Bill and Mum to be dead," George added in the same soft voice. "But it'd be worse for you to lose yourself, I'd think."

Silence fell once more. I couldn't think of anything to say to them. They made an excellent point: It would be harder to lose myself. It sounds selfish, but it means much more. It means that everything I had ever done would be gone, I would never do the things I was destined to do, and there could be more people that need me that I never got to.

"Don't cry, Ellie," Fred said. I wasn't crying, was I? Then I felt the familiar tickle on my face of a tear sliding down from my eye. I brushed it away, not wanting either of them to see me weak. Not that they hadn't already, but I didn't want it to show through, especially now. "Please."

Fred took a step forward, then hesitated for a moment. He glanced at George, who gave him a slight nod that I almost didn't notice. Fred looked back to me and walked all the way to me, enclosing his arms around me and holding me as close to him as possible, another tear of my own falling into his suit jacket. I shifted my arms out of the hug, but wrapped them around Fred, making sure he wasn't going anywhere. No matter how much I had wanted to shove him off of me and run away in that moment, I knew now that I needed him right here, holding me, more than I needed to be away from him.

"I love you too much to lose you," Fred said quietly, for only me to hear. He kissed the top of my head, then rested his chin there, closing his eyes and rocking us back and forth lightly.


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