(Day 3) Burned (Fuuka and Kinji)

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"Miss Fuuka, are you okay?" Kinji asked Fuuka because, being the clumsiest of the Ninningers, she burned herself on the stove trying to make breakfast.
"Yeah, but that is going to leave a mark," Fuuka said as she said down.
"You really burned yourself, as you sure you are okay?" Kinji asked as he went to get first aid kit.
"Yes, I know I burned... woah!" Fuuka said as she fell to the floor, but Kinji caught her.
"Fuuka, you ought be more careful." Kinji said as he back to the first aid kit.
"Miss, you didn't say miss! You didn't say Miss Fuuka!" Fuuka yelled.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were bothered by it," Kinji said as he grabbed the first aid kit and moved it to the table.
"No, I actually like it," Fuuka said smiling.
"Let's treat your burn," Kinji said. When he touched Fuuka both him and her started blushing.
"D...Do y...you w...want to g...go out later?" Kinji asked.
"Sure," Fuuka said. They treated Fuuka's burn and went out to get ice cream.
A/N: Hey, so here is the first on Super Sentai! This is actually not my OTP for Ninninger. (That would be Fuuka and Nagi. I prefer Kasumi with Kinji.) I just made this as a little bit of a short one. See ya tomorrow!

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