Day 23 The one-shots with no theme (?And ?)

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(Guess who is who! Also sorry for the bad title.)

He is a country star.
She is a nerd.

He was born to be a ninja.
She was born to to win a Noble Prize.

He liked her best friend.
She liked her best friend's boyfriend.

Then he met her.
Then she met him.

He fell in love right away.
She fell in love after 2 days.

He gets warm easily
She gets cold easily

They bug make it obvious, yet tey don't realize it.

He took her out on a date.
She took him out to a science fair.

He is well known.
She is not well known.

He hates it.
She loves it.

He has had many girlfriends.
SHe has had 1 boyfriend.

He is Levi Weston
She is Sarah Thompson.

And they both L-O-V-E each other. Just don't tell them that.

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