Day 25 Wow (Calvin and Hayley)

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Set in an AU

"Wow, that is an awesome car you have there," Calvin Maxwell said.

"Thanks, I like your car too," Hayley Foster replied.

"Wow, that is a cute dog," Calvin said as he spotted Kody.

"Does all you sentences began with 'Wow' or do you just want to say wow to annoy me?" Haley asked.

"Wow, I can't believe you noticed, I do it just to annoy people but no one ever notices," Calvin stated as he bent down and pet Kody.

"Wow, nobody notices it? Your family?" Hayley asked as she bent down.

"Well, my sister did but not my parents. They often forget about me," Calvin said.

"You didn't say it," Hayley said smiling.

"Say what?" Calvin asked.

"Wow, you didn't say wow, wow, I am surprised," Hayley said as she got up.

"Says the girl who just said wow, three times in one sentence," Calvin said. They both just looked at each other for a good five minutes.

"I'm Hayley," Hayley said.

"I'm Calvin," Calvin said.

"Can I see your phone?" Hayley asked.

"Uh, sure," Calvin said as he handed her his phone. She pushed a few buttons before she gave it back to him.

"What did you do?" Calvin asked.

"There is my phone number," Hayley said as she put Kody in her car, got into her car and drove away.

*With Calvin*

"Did I just let a stranger give me her number? Wow," Calvin said to himself.

"It does sound old after a while," Calvin said walking away.

*With Hayley*

"Did I just give a stranger my number?" Hayley asked Kody.

"Woof!" Kody replied.

"Wow, huh, maybe it doesn't hurt to say it more," Hayley said as she felt her phone vibrate.

"Cal," Hayley said as she pulled over and saw the text message.

Calvin: Can we meet tomorrow  3 pm at Summer Cove High

Hayley: Sure

Calvin: Thanks, I'll see you then! :)

"That little dog," Hayley spoke.

"Woof!" Kody responded.

"Oh, not you Kody," Hayley said as she got back on the road to drive.

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