Day 39 Amy and King

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"King, what am I going to get Souji-kun for Christmas?" Amy asked.
"I don't know, maybe some chocolate," King suggested.
"He doesn't like chocolate," Amy responsed.
"Um...candy," King tried again.
"He can't he some candy an I don't know what that is," Amy responded again.
"Blankets?" King asked.
"Already has 201 blankets. I don't think he need more than that," Amy said.
"You sure know a lot about Souji," King mumbled.
"King, are you okay? Why are you bothered at the fact that I know a lot about Souji," Amy asked.
"Because I like you," King blurted out.
"I like you too," Amy said.
"Eh?" King asked.
"Arigato, for helping me," Amy said as she went to the store.

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