(Day 8) Test (King and Amy)

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"King-san, can you please help me with the Zyudenchi?" Amy asked.
"What would I do that?" King asked Amy.
"Please," Amy said. If looks could kill King would be in ash by now.
"Fine, what Zyudenchi?" King asked.
"Stymero," Amy replyed.
"You know how to use that," King said as Amy shot him.
"Wow, you passed Torin's test!" Amy said.
"Torin? Test? What?" King asked confused.
"Torin had me test you to see if you were on guard at all times!" Amy explained.
"Well what if I didn't pass?" Daigo asked.
"Well then, we would have hoped you came out as a Spirit," Amy said.
"Your mean," Daigo said.
"King, I was just testing you. Just be glad it wasn't Yayoi," Amy said.
"Why couldn't have been Yayoi? She would told me it was a test," Daigo mumbled.
"I didn't know you would bothered by me doing the test," Amy said walking away.
"No, I liked it when it was you," Daigo said smiling at her.
"Arigato, Daigo-san," Amy said as a wave of shock hit Daigo.
"Did you just call me Daigo-San?" Daigo asked.
"Yep!" Amy said kissing his cheek before running away.
"Hey! Wait a minute! Get back here!" Daigo said running after her.
"Amy-San! Get back here!" Daigo yelled.
A couple of feet away
"Next time, Amy will be the one getting pranked right?" Ian asked Torin.
"Yes, just as soon as Daigo realizes that it was a prank and not a test." Torin said.

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