(Day 4) Right (Hayley and Calvin)

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"I still can't believe Odious is gone and we no longer have our power stars," Hayley told Calvin as they walked though the park.
"I can! She was a pain," Calvin said as he wrapped his arm around Hayley.
"Like you?" Hayley said.
"Really?" Calvin asked.
"Nope," Hayley said as the both just looked at each other.
"I think we should go out," Calvin said.
"Where?" Hayley asked not looking away from him.
"Ice cream?" Calvin asked but Hayley didn't looked impressed.
"Any flavor you want and I pay," Calvin said as Hayley smiled.
"Deal," Hayley said.
"Fine," Calvin said as the two walked downtown and bought ice cream.
*Preston POV*
"There cute together," I said.
"Yeah like you and Sandy," Sarah said.
"Or you and Levi?" I said as she blushed.
*3rd POV*
"I'm right here no matter what," Calvin said as they entered the ice cream shop.
"So am I," Hayley said.

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