Day 30 I give up with the titles (Hayley and Preston)

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"Preston, I am so worried," Hayley said to her boyfriend.
"Don't worry, I'm sure your mom will do just fine," Preston told his his girlfriend.
"And what if she doesn't?" Hayley asked him.
"Then, I'll be here no matter what," Preston said.
"Hayley Foster, I'm sorry," a nurse said as she gave Hayley a box of tissues.
"Pres," Hayley said as she leaned in and hugged him crying. Preston, although only knowing Jenerfier Foster for 2 months, was crying.
"What am I going to do?" Hayley asked.
"I don't know, but I'll be with every step of the way," Preston said as he patted his girlfriend's head.
"Thanks," Hayley said in between her tears.
"Hayley, there's something I've always wanted to say ever since we started dating," Preston said.
"What is it?" Hayley asked as she pulled out of the hug and looked at him.
"I...I," Preston stuttered bravely.
"I you t...too," Hayley replied trying to hold back her tears but couldn't. Preston pulled her into a hug and the two hugged until Hayley stopped crying.
"Thank you, Preston," Hayley said when she was done crying.
"No, thank you, for being the best girlfriend ever," Preston said with a smile and a bit of a blush.
"And you are the best boyfriend ever," Hayley said as she took his hand and walked over to a nurse.

A/N: This one was a little bit darker then usual but meh. Also, since I have final exams coming up, I have decided not to give these one-shots titles anymore so from now until I finish the book the titles will look like this: Day 31 (Brody and Hayley). That's tomorrow oneshot. Bye bye

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