Day 45 ? and ? (Last day 😖😖😖)

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She has everything she could ever want
He has nothing he wants

She has a happy family who loves her
He has an unhappy family that hates him

She always looks perfect
He always looks unperfect

She has lots of money
He has very little money

She is kind hearted
He is kinda bitter hearted

She laughs with her father everyday
He cries about his mother everyday

She always means well
He always means well

Everyone has met her parents
Nobody has met his parents

She couldn't be any happier
He could be more happier

She loves him
He lives her

She cares for him
He fights for her

She has ingredients  for him
He has recipes for her

She is perfect for him
He is perfect for her

She is Hayley Foster
He is Calvin Maxwell

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