(Day 13) Hot (Umika and Kairi)

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"Hey Umika, try this," Kairi said handing Umika a bowl of soup.
"It's hot! Kairi!" Umika yelled as she ran to get some water.
"Ahh! That's hot too," Umika yelled jumping back and put her hand on the stove.
"Ouch! That's hot!" Umika said taking a seat on the floor.
"You fell...for it...hard!" Kairi said laughing at Umika.
"Kairi, it's not funny," Umika said as she got up and grabbed Kairi's iced coffee and poured it on his head.
"Umika!!!" Kairi yelled as he tried to get some ice of his back.
"That'll teach you for pranking me. Now I have to treat this," Umika  said grabbing the first aid kit from the kitchen.
"Here, let me help," Kairi said as he sat Umika down.
"Gomen, I shouldn't have put that ice in you back," Umika said as she looked at the ground with regret.
"And I'm sorry I did that hot stuff," Kairi said realizing his mistake.
"Why did you do it in the first place?" Umika asked as Kairi wrapped cloth on her burn.
"I thought it would make you mad, and you're cute when you're mad," Kairi confessed.
"That's dumb, sweet, but dumb," Umika said as she saw Kairi was done with her hand.
"Arigato," Umika said as she got up and turned the stove and water off. Kairi went to the freezer and pulled out some ice cream.
"What are you doing?" Umika asked.
"I'm hungry don't judge me. You want some?" Kairi asked as Umika nodded.
"Sure," Umika said as the both are ice cream together.

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