Day 21 Quick (Umika and Sakyua)

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"Umika, quick think of a number between 2 and 5," Sakuya said.
"Um,3!" Umika responsed.
"Wrong, the answer was 4," Sakuya said.
"Baka, I'm not a quick thinker," Umika said as she grabbed Sakuya's cup.
"Where is everyone else?" Sakuya asked.
"Right back at you," Umika said.
"Looking for a gangler/Lupinranger," Sakuya said.
"Shopping," Umika said as she got gave him a cup of soda.
"Do you want to go to the movies tonight?" Sakuya asked.
"Sure, but be quick and don't be late," Umika said smiling.
"Arigato Umika-chan," Sakuya began.
"Ahh, a gangle behind Sakuya!" Umika yelled as Sakuya looked behind him to see nothing.
"Hah, made you look," Umika said before realizing that she had been acting more like Lupin Yellow than Haymei Umika.
"But some quick thinking," Umika said as Sakuya paid for his lunch.
"See you at 5, Yellow," Sakuya said walking out of the bistro.
"Eh?" Umika questioned.
"Meh, but him than Tsukasa and Kericho. He's a bit of an idiot, but I love him just the way he is," Umika said to herself before going outside and putting the "open" sigh to the "closed" sign.
*With Sakuya*
"I can't believe she's Lupin Yellow. I can't believe that I actually found out first." Sakuya said as he got home.
"Meh, she may be a thief but she is kind and sweet and cute and, you're rambling Sakuya," Sakuya said as he walked to his room to get ready.
"I better be quick," Sakuya said.

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