Day 31 Brody and Hayley

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(Again, I give up on the title)
"Brody, can you help me with Kody?" Hayley asked.
"Why do you need help with Kody," Brody asked.
"Because, Kody is being a good dogie," Hayley said sarcastically.
"Well if he's being a good dog..." Brody began before seeing Hayley look.
"You were being sarcastic weren't you?" Brody asked Hayley who just nodded.
"You know, you may be my best friend and all, but some times you can be a real...idiot," Hayly said.
"You might be my best friend but somethings you can be a real idol," Brody mumbled to himself quite enough so that Hayley wouldn't hear him. Brody noticed Hayley looking at the new person in town, Victor.
"Do you have a crush on Victor?" Brody asked Hayley.
"No, I'm trying to figure out why girls like him. I mean look at Aburey! She has one head over heels for him," Hayley said.
"I know," Brody responsed.
"I mean he's not as smart or as handsome as..." Hayley began.
"As who?" Brody asked. He ha always had a crush on Hayley but didn't want to ruin their friendship with it so he kept it a secret.
"You, Brody Romero," Hayley said.
"Wait, you think I'm smart and handsome?" Brody asked with a smirk.
"I have a crush on you okay," Hayley said as she starts walk away.
"Wait, I have always had a crush on you too," Brody said.
"Want get some smoothies after school?" Brody asked.
"Sure," Hayley responded.

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