Day 33 Sakuya and Umika

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"Hey, Sakuya, want to come to the Bistro?" Umika asked.
"Thanks but no thanks, I am doing duty right now. Got to watch out for the thieves and ganglers," Sakuya said.
"Oh, okay," Umika said as she walked away.
"I'm not done yet," Umika said as she looked t her bag and went to the nearest bathroom. She got into her Lupin Yellow outfit and walked towards where Sakuya was.
"Hey, Pretty Boy!" Umika shouted as Lupin Yellow.
"Lupin Yellow, oh I better call Senpai," Sakuya began before he got interpreted.
"I'llgive you my identity and the ones of Red and Blue, if you meet me in front of 34765 Mount Point Street," Lupin Yellow said.
"That's the Jurey Bistro! Why do you want to meet me there?" Sakuya asked.
"I just do, oh and if you don't I'll make sure the love of your life, whoever she is, gets real hurt alright," Lupin Yellow said. Umika knew that the threat was harsh, and she regretted saying it as sons as she said it.
*In front of the Bistro*
"Where is she?" Sakuya asked himself.
"Right here," Lupin Yellow said.
"Now who are you and Lupin Red and Lupin Blue?" Sakuya asked. He got his answer to who Lupin Yellow was but he didn't like it.
"Umika-chan," Sakuya began.
"I can explain," Umika began.
"How could you? I trusted you? I took you out on a date. I did..." Sakuya said before he got interpreted by Umika kissing him.
"Ahh! Sorry! Please don't add that to the list of charges," Umika pleaded as she took of her their form that was on top of her daily clothes.
"I can keep this our little secret," Sakuya said.
"Really? Sakuya you are the best person ever!" Umika said as she hugged him. He hugged back but when she tried to get out, he didn't let her.
"Wait, just a moment," Sakuya said before he remembered Umika asking him to come to the Bistro.
"Umika, why did you ask me to come here?" Sakuya asked.
"Open the door," Umika said as she pulled out of the hug. Sakuya opened the door.
"Suprise!" he heard all of his friends tell.
"Minna! You remembered?" Sakuya asked suprised.
"Well, to be honest, I was just going to get you some chocolate but it was Umika's idea to do this," Tsukasa said.
"Hey, before we get this party started, Umika, can I talk to you?" Sakuya asked.
"What did you want  to talk about?" Umika asked.
"Would you like to go out on a date with me tomorrow?" Sakuya asked blushing.
"Sure," Umika said as she and Sakuya began holding hands.
"Let's hurry before Kairi eats all the cake," Umika said as they both ran inside

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