(Day 10) Outside (Levi and Hayley)

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"Levi, can you pass the flour?" Hayley asked. Since her and Calvin broke up after she got him cheating with Sarah ,who also cheated on Levi, Hayley has done nothing but bake.
"Are you going to maybe go outside and get some air?" Levi asked worried about Hayley. He had taken Sarah cheating on him lightly, he wasn't ever sure if he like her.
"Why? So I can see my so-called best friend go on a date with my ex-boyfriend? No thanks," Hayley said as she grabbed a cupcake sheet. But Levi grabbed the sheet and took it away from Hayley.
"Out! Get outside!" Levi said pointing outside.
"Aiden! Get outside!" Hayley said mirroring Levi. Levi was at shock of hearing Hayley call him Aiden.
"How about you and I go and take Cody for a walk?" Levi asked.
"Sure!" Hayley responses. The two cleaned up Hayley's kitchen and went to take Cody for a walk.
"Levi, I feel a lot better outside than I was inside! You were right!" Hayley spoke after the silence that took place between her and Levi.
"When am I not?" Levi asked with a slight smirk. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Calvin, waving at her, he wanted her to come to him.
"Don't go, he is not right for you at this moment," Levi said pulling Hayley away, however, what happened to Hayley happened to Levi. He could see Sarah, but he chose to ingnore her. He knew that life wasn't about "staying in the box" but rather go outside of the box. To him Sarah and Calvin were the box and Hayley was his way out of the box. He found love, right in front of him. And it was there all along, he just didn't see it, until now.
"Hayley do you want to go the long way back to your house?" Levi asked.
"Sure," Hayley said as Kody barked with happiness. Levi found love on the outside of the box. Hayley found love beside the box.

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