Day 36 Kasumi and Kinji

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"Kasumi-chan, where is Kinji?" Fuuka asked.
"Asleep," Kasumi replied.
"Can you wake him up? Yak-kun says he has a surprise for Kinji," Fuuka said. Kasumi got up and went to Kinji's room in the Dojo.
"Hey, Kinji," Kasumi said as she gently shakes him.
"Miss Kasumi? What's wrong?" Kinji asked.
"Get up, it's 10:30 and someone wants to show you something," Kasumi said.
"Who is someone?" Kinji asked.
"Yakumo," Kasumi replied.
"I'll be there in half an hour," Kinji said.
"Ow, what Yakumo wants to show you is something that has to do with the Yokai we fought earlier," Kasumi lied. She knew that it was wrong for her to lie but she didn't have any other choice.
"Yokai? Are you hurt?" Kinji asked jumping off his bed.
"No and there was no Yokai, I just needed you to get out of bed," Kasumi began, "I'm sorry!"
It's okay Kasumi, let's go see what Yakumo what's me to see," Kinji said

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