Day 17 Waffle (Kasumi and Kinji)

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"Miss Kasumi, why would you like for breakfast?" Kinji asked, since everyone was gone on a ninja roa trip but those two (Kasumi was sick the day of the trip) Kinji decided to make breakfast for her.
"Waffles  or eggs," Kasumi replied.
"I'll make waffles, it'll be ready in about 20 minutes," Kinji said as he went to the kitchen.
*20 minutes later*
"Arigato," Kasumi said as she began eating them.
"Kinji-san, are you not going to eat?" Kasumi asked.
"I've never tried waffles before," Kinji said.
"Here have some," Kasumi said moving her plate closer to him.
"It's fine," Kinji said.
"No," Kasumi said before she shoved a piece of waffle into his mouth.
"That is actually really good," Kinji said.
"Told you, do you to go out and train a little?" Kasumi asked.
"Sure," Kinji responsed.

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