Day 22 Cold (Ian and Yayoi)

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"Ahoo!" Yayoi said.
"Bless you," Ian replied practicing his, very weak (if you asked Yayoi), sword technique.
"Thanks you, is it just me or is it really cold in here?" Yayoi asked.
"Might just be you but then again I am sweating," Ian said. He felt something cold in his shoulder ad looked down and saw a towel.
"Nani?" Ian mumbled.
"Oh my, Yayoi-chan, if you wanted to talk to me you should have just said so," Ian said as he saw Yayoi blush. He found it odd because from what he knew, she liked Daigo, not him.
"Well you were hot so I wanted to make sure you have something to cool off with," Yayoi said looking at her computer and sliming.
"What are you looking at?" Ian asked as Yayoi shut her laptop when Ian came over.
"I won't tell King if you are looking at him shirtless. I think Amy does that too," Ian said as he took at sip from his water.
"Yayoi, do you know how to use a sword?" Ian asked the girl.
"Barley," Yayoi replied.
"Then let me teach you," Ian said.
"No, it's too cold in here. Since when did the Sprit Base get so cold?" Yayoi said.
"Then let's go out side," Ian said as Yayoi agreed.
"I hope this will be fun," Yayoi mumbled.
"Trust me, you won't regret or forget this," Ian mumbled back.

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