(Day 11) Who (Moune and Hyde)

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A/N: this is like a question thing that tells about them.
AU high school

Who studies more?
He is, he gets up at 3am to study for that big test. He helps her with the big test 5 minutes before the test.

Who is more athletic?
She is, she is the cheerleaders' captain with her co-captain, Eri. But he is the cheer-helper, he makes sure the cheerleaders get enough water during practice or a game. He was there to get her water when she fainted from a lack of breaks.

Who is the most popular one?
He is, he has about twice as many friends as she does. Many people hate her, because she is the cheer captain and not them. But he is there to help her when it comes to bullying.

Who is more of the family/friend person?
She is, her brother means the world to her. She is ready to protect Eri at all costs.

Who are they?
Moune, sister of Agri best friend to Eri. Hyde, best friend to Agri. It really just a simple case of she likes him and he likes her. No more, but no less. They don't mind. At all. Who would want to change a perfect story of Earth and Sea? Well, there is Alta and Eri, but that's a story for another time. Point is, Hyde and Moune are perfect, just the way they are.

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