My Mindful Discussion

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Listen carefully to what I am going to say

This is a thank you or perhaps it is a reflection

Nevertheless, I have something to say

Many of you push me and from that, you hope I can only gain strength

Many of you exclaim I've got talent or a flame

Others still boast of my name

You grab hold of my hands and attempt

To push me past the ladders edge to the sky

And to whatever miraculous end

Yet I have yanked myself back down straight away

Never bothering anything more than a glance

To the endless canvasses, others create

For you see I have come to the conclusion that I'm not ready

Nay I would say I'm not good enough

Now before you interrupt

Or scold

I think you may find that my pride is far from me

And at times completely fleeting

Though it is kind enough to visit when the time is right

But we have both come to understand that we are often better off without the other

My self-esteem and I have fought many times

Neither of us can ever quite decide what the other thinks

Now that does not mean he disregards me

It merely means he has decided that we remain neutral in future conflicts

Now it could be because of my lack of skill in many arts

Or the fact that I can never seem to push him beyond my own limits

Nonetheless, anxiety drops in often unannounced but I'll deal with him later

May I just say that I am more than pleased that I have simply found others that admire

Some of my works and strive to better themselves

Because of the few letters, I jotted down at random

My writing was never something I thought of as great

Yet I regarded it as nothing more than my imagination or passion taking a small vacation

From the stifling air my brain provides

To sum up these ramblings and dead ends I will say this

I no longer push myself to better myself in this way

For to me, my life is fine

And vastly beyond my control

Yet I decided to instead aim to bring up others courage and grace

This world is full of suffocating ideas and strangling expectations

I wish to draw your mind away from such useless endeavors of society

Rather I crave to show you how much greater you can become

Nae how much greater you are than what others have led you to believe

Now I encourage you to stay grounded

Don't fly so far away

Your dreams may be enchanting but never lose sight of reality

Don't sacrifice more of yourself than you can give

Additionally never give in to the voices that beat down on you

This is something that may be impossible to achieve

I, myself have found that I lose more wars than fights that I have won

But I am too stubborn to give up

Though the road ahead is unknown to me

I'll find a reason to follow it until the abrupt end of my existence

Till then I'll remain here

Enjoying life simple pleasures.

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