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Yoongi woke up with a heavy feeling in his chest. He couldn't stop thinking about jimin and what could've happened if he had told jimin the truth that time. What would've happened if he told him he liked him too?

Yoongi had been smoking endlessly, thinking about how much he missed and loved the fresh fruity scent of the younger. And there was something else he missed ; Jimins pink hair.

Jimin hasn't been wearing pink for the last week. He'd wear basic white or black shirts with black skinny jeans. Not that yoongi would mind but he thought jimin wasn't being himself recently and that he was trying to impress yoongi.

But jimin didn't know that yoongi liked him the way he was, childish,cute and pink. Yoongi wasn't feeling well, he was feeling depressed and lonely so he stayed home all day long.

Jimin has been looking for yoongi at college but hasn't seen him anywhere around. All jimin could think of is yoongi being with another girl again because that was what has happened the last time he disappeared.

Jimin :
Where are you?

Yoongi :

Jimin :
Are you okay?

Yoongi :

Jimin :
OK, I'm coming over

Yoongi :
No , I want to be alone

Jimin :
You can be alone with me:)

Yoongi slammed his phone against the floor in anger. The last thing he wanted was to see jimin when he was the reason yoongi was feeling that way. Second of all, he didn't want jimin to see him like that.

Half an hour later yoongi heard quiet knocks on his door.

"Come in, it's open ", he yelled with barely any power in his voice. He was exhausted.

Jimin opened the door. He started coughing as soon as he entered. There was way more smoke than usually so jimin kept the door open.

"Are you alright?", jimin asked worried as he noticed yoongis blank face expression and his tired face.

Yoongi mumbled a low, "yeah" and closed his eyes.

Jimin stepped closer, putting his hand on yoongis forehead to check if he had a fever but he seemed normal.

"Stop it ",yoongi groaned, turning away from jimin.

"Then tell me what's wrong with you ", jimin said concerned about it.

"I'm tired."

"What do you mean? Physically or mentally?"

"I'm just.. tired ",yoongi said, his voice cracking. Yoongi panicked embarrassed even though jimin couldn't see his face. But jimin clearly heard the sad voice of him. Yoongi tried hard not to cry or show his emotions.

Jimin slid his fingers through yoongis soft hair not saying a word, he felt like he didn't know what to say to comfort yoongi. They stayed quiet as jimin continued to stroke yoongis hair. Suddenly, jimin heard yoongi crying.

"Yoongi.. ", jimin whispered not knowing what to do, " I don't know what I should do or say.. But I'm here for you, okay?"

"Go ", yoongi whispered sniffing.

"No, I know you don't mean it ", jimin said, "now sit down and talk to me. It's fucking okay to cry, okay?"

Yoongi sat up after wiping his tears, inhaling deeply, "this doesn't usually happen " he said as he smiled a sad smile.

Jimin wrapped his arm around yoongi, he has never seen him like that before, " yoongi it's fine to show your feelings. You can tell me anything if you want."

Yoongi sighed, " I'm scared.. "

"Of what?"

"I don't know exactly why.. I'm scared of feelings.. and you know.. trusting someone or letting someone get close to me. It frightens me, jimin."

" You must have been through a lot. Someone must have treated you so badly that you stopped trusting people .." Jimin whispered.
Yoongi nodded and inhaled.

"Have.. Your parents.. anything to do with that?"

Yoongi turned to jimin, his eyes wide open, "w-what?"

"You said you ran away from them.. And you avoided talking about them all the time. Have.. They done anything?"

Yoongis eyes teared up again. It was true, his parents have been abusing him all his life. Especially his dad has been abusing him physically and mentally but yoongi never let that show on him.

At sixteen, he ran away and left his hometown, Daegu. Since then his life has become a mess. Drinking and smoking was all he did to feel better. He felt so empty that even relationships didn't work for him. And worse, he was lonely and couldn't trust anybody.

"It's true, isn't it?",jimin asked the speechless yoongi. Yoongi nodded biting his lips, " Jimin.. "

"You can tell me everything ,yoongi ."

Yoongi nodded, "a-another time ,okay?"

"Do you trust me, yoongi?"

Yoongi shivered, staring at Jimin who was looking at him with teary eyes. Yoongi thought for a few seconds before inhaling deeply,whispering" I do."

Jimin tilted his head, smiling sweetly at yoongi, his arm still around yoongis shoulder, "thanks, yoongi. "

And then, yoongi moved forward until there were only a few inches between them. He kissed the corner of jimins lips and pulled away, leaving jimin in shock.

Jimin felt shivers down his spine, he was blushing like crazy. Yoongi looked at him, " if you're not a strawberry, then I don't know what you are. "


Omg guys! I know this was very long and sad but I hoped you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment. 🍓💗

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