It all started when jimin met a mysterious guy at party, who soon ended up taking him on adventures at nights. Jimin has always been a good boy unlike yoongi who had a bad reputation. A lot changed when he met min yoongi and began sneaking out of th...
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1. Do you still have feelings for yoongi? No, i'm so over him.
2. Do you like jimin? I like him as a friend. We're best friends but lately he is spending time with me anymore. I miss him.
3. Aren't you happy for jimin? I'm happy that jimin has someone to love, but to be honest I'm not really happy because he's with yoongi. I'm afraid yoongi is going to treat him like he treated me.
4. Why don't you come out? I'm really scared , I wish I could do it like jimin!
5. Would you protect jimin from all the bullying or do you care about your reputation more? I've known jimin since 3rd grade. I know who he is so I'm going to protect him for sure! Friends first.
6. Can you date me? I would love to but I'm gay! :( I hope you find someone
7. Tell us about the guy you went on a date with? Well he isn't really my type..
8. Do you support jimin? Will always do! -------
Jimin's mothers answers : you even love jimin? Of course I do. He's my only son.
2. Why don't you contact jimin? I did. He's not answering my calls. I'm not sure if he wants to talk to me.
3. Would you want jimin back? More than anything..
4. Who do you love more, jimin or your husband? Things aren't going to well with my husband after what happened..
5. Why didn't you say anything? I regret not picking my sons side, I was scared and I never thought things would be like that..
6. I thought you were okay with yoongi and jimin being together? I am okay with that, yoongi is a nice guy. I'm such a bad mother for allowing that to happen
. Why don't you get rid of your dog and take jimin back(and yoongs too)? That would be great, I guess that's what I'm going to do..